To Readers

5.8K 109 6

Hi readers, I love you! I first wanna say I can't believe this book is at 50k reads, that's absolutely insane! I can't believe people actually want to read what I write! It means the world to me to know people are interested in my stories, and it encourages me to write more. 

I want to jump to a sadder note, because I feel like I need to tell everybody that's made it this far what this book means to me. 

I finished this book almost a year ago now, and today is the first time I've been able to open and read some of it since then. I've looked at comments as they pop up, but haven't even remembered the main characters name until today. Crazy right? How can I forget something like that.... 

Well, it's because this book is one of the few reminders that I once existed as a different person. I wrote this book sitting in a house I can never call home again. I every day would sit down for an hour or two with apple slices and peanut butter to update this- I read chunks of the book tonight and could almost taste it again. When I see the cover of the book I can almost feel the night air where I sat creating it.  

The thing is I created these characters as reflections of myself, my surroundings, my friends, and my own emotions. I was a strong person I want to be again. I somehow lost her in the events of the last six months in my life, things I still can't quite understand or process myself. 

I want the things that have brought me to this point to push me in my future. I want it to push me to uncover things that people didn't even think possible. I want to prove to myself that I didn't suffer through all this, didn't lose who I am, for nothing. I want to someday know that all of this made me a better person. And it all starts here, with this book. 

When I feel like I can't find her, can't find the person I was anymore, I'll look here. I'll find her in the characters here. I'll read some of my most favorite comments left on certain scenes by you guys, I'll rewrite and edit my favorite parts. 

I think my main reason for writing this is because I want everybody that read this story to know that they have unknowingly read a window into the pits of my mind. Even though I don't know you, you- in a way- know me. Comments mean so much, votes mean so much, not because of the statistics on Wattpad, but because I love knowing people care about this book. That you all so much for votes, reads, and comments. I love you guys.

P.S not edited, and may not make sense because I'm ranting late at night :)

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