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corduroy dreams - rex orange county

"Here's the team. Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Emily Prentiss." JJ pointed to each agent in turn, all of which greeted me warmly and offered me their hands. I accepted, trying to breathe as I shook their hands. I hadn't slept in over 20 hours, having taken the first flight out to D.C. from my home in California and caught a ride into the office as soon as I got the call. The feeling in my chest when JJ offered me a job at the BAU was indescribable. I was fresh out of college. Moreover, five years ago the only occupation I could realistically entertain was as a petty thief or drug addict.

"Maya will be following along through the first couple cases to learn the ropes," JJ explained.

"Great to have you here," Hotchner said with a curt nod.

"Thank you so much, sir," I replied.

"Please, call me Hotch." I smiled. Hotch walked away to return to the endless stacks of files and paperwork on his desk.

"Where's Boy Wonder?" Morgan asked.

"I'm here," came a voice from a few feet behind me. I turned on my heels to see a lanky man with wild hair carrying several cups of coffee awkwardly. I reached out, took one out of the crook of his elbow, and passed it to Prentiss, who accepted gratefully.

"Thanks," the man said, and handed out the rest of the coffee cups. I was surprised to see there was one for me.

"You're Dr. Maya Davis, right? I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. I've read some of your work. Your Harvard thesis on the connection between native language and expression of abnormal pathologies. It was incredibly fascinating." I tried not to blush, surprised anyone would go to the trouble of reading my old papers.

"Thank you."

"It's true. He wouldn't shut up about it," Prentiss replied.

"That's high praise," Morgan confided, "Pretty Boy over here is a real live genius. Graduated high school at twelve and all that." I quirked an eyebrow at Reid and he smiled sheepishly.

"Well, Maya might give Reid a run for his money," JJ said, "She's got a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Sociology, and Literature. Two from Harvard, one from Stanford." I waved a hand dismissively.

"That's nothing. It's all on paper. I've heard so many stories about what you guys do here. It's amazing."

"You'll be a part of it soon," Rossi promised.

"Let's head up to the conference room. I'm about to present our newest case," JJ said.

JJ described the murder of three women in a town in Nevada. They were all brunette, with long hair, and high power jobs. Likely a sexual sadist. I nursed my coffee as I watched the BAU mull over the facts of the case.

"See you on the runway. Wheels up in thirty," Hotchner said when the team had finished their discussion.

"You can come with me," Reid said.

"Thanks," I responded, "I don't know where anything is yet." I threw my empty coffee in a trash can from a few feet away.

"Nice," Morgan said as he passed behind me on his way out of the conference room. I smiled. Everyone here was so nice. Hotchner was a little intense, and Rossi's years of experience were pretty intimidating, but everyone was so welcoming.

"Who knew I'd fly all the way across the U.S. just to fly right back," I laughed as I found a seat on the fanciest plane I'd ever been on. Reid sat beside me.

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