16. Blood Pressure

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crash my car - COIN

"How you doing, Sherlock?" Morgan asked Reid. The latter had just walked into the bullpen, assisted by a pair of crutches.
"I'm great."
"Do your leg hurt to walk on?"
"No, it's actually fine to put pressure on. The doctors just wanted to act in accordance with an abundance of caution," Reid explained.
"I'm sure. Hotch would have him blacklisted if he didn't anything to screw up our Pretty Boy." Reid gave half an eye roll.
"So, no pain?"
"Only when my blood pressure goes up significantly."
"Significantly?" Morgan raised an eyebrow, "So like..."
"Hey, Maya, come over here," he called to her.
"Morgan," Reid warned.
"Calm down, I just want to do an experiment," Morgan said so just Reid could here. Maya walked over, dressed in black jeans and a white blouse.
"Do me a favor, won't you? Put your hands on Reid's shoulders," Morgan said, leaning against a desk.
"What?" Maya asked with obvious confusion.
"Maya, just ign—"
"Shut up, Reid. Maya, just do it." Hesitantly, she did.
"See, like dancing," Morgan chuckled. He watched Reid, who didn't react.
"This is not like dancing," Maya laughed. She took Reid's hands and put them on her waist, then replace her own hands around his neck. They were much closer now.
"This is like dancing," Maya asserted. Reid breathed in sharply.
"Ow." Maya let go of him immediately.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just my leg." She stepped back.
"I'm so sorry," she said.
"It's fine. It just does that sometimes," Reid assured her. Much to his dismay, Morgan was cracking up in the background.

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