13. Fine (angst)

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happy & sad - kacey musgraves

"Sir, sir, you can't go out of the house," Spencer said, blocking the door.

"I can't go out of the house? My daughter is in danger. He's threatening her. The only thing I can do is protect her." Mr. Gonzales was being irrational, but he could hardly help it.

"I understand that you, sir, but the best thing you can do for your daughter is stay safe. She's safe at the police station," I said. Mr. Gonzales took a deep breath and sat back down.

"I'm going to double check her bedroom," I told Reid, "Make sure we didn't miss anything."

"Good idea," he said. I climbed the stairs and went to the girl's room.


A few minutes later my phone rang with a call from Garcia.

"Maya! We found the unsub!" Garcia informed me with an incredible urgency.

"Ok, who-" I started.

"He's there."


"I triangulated his cell phone. He's at the house." I didn't listen any longer.

"Reid?" I called loudly and rushed to the stairs.
At the front door I saw a white man, between thirty-five and fifty, attractive. The profile. He was holding a gun. I drew my weapon, but before I could aim he fired to shots straight in front of him. I felt my heart ripped forward out of my chest. My breath caught, but I pulled the trigger and caught him in the leg, sending him down.

"Reid?" I called again, panicked, as I ran down the stairs. I kicked the gun away from the unsub. And looked around to find Reid on the floor. Mr. Gonzales was kneeling beside him.
I shoed him away, telling him to call 911. Then I got on my knees next to Reid, who was clutching his leg and taking shallow breaths.

"Are you okay? Where are you hurt?" I asked. I was in a frenzy that was deeply unprofessional, but I couldn't help it.

"I'm fine," he said, with a smile. My eyes trailed down his body to find a wound on his lower thigh. The blood had soaked clear through his pants.

"An ambulance is on its way. About seven minutes," Mr. Gonzales told me. I thanks him and asked him to apply keep and eye on our unsub. I had caught him in the shin. He'd be fine. Besides, I wasn't finding myself capable of mustering much sympathy for him. I turned back to Reid.

"Ok, you're going to be fine."

"I know that," he said, "Do you know that?" He was teasing me, but I was too busy coming off a blind panic to deal with his levity.

"Shut up. I'm going to rip this." Without waiting for a response, I found the bullet hole in his pants and pulled until a slit big enough to see the wound. The bullet had just grazed him, but it had left behind a painful trail. Blood polled around the bullet's path and ran off in rivers. I took a deep breath. Then I tugged off my sweater and turned it into a hasty compress. I was certainly grateful I had a tank top underneath.

"Maya," he protested, "I'm fine. You'll ruin your sweater."

"You just got shot and you're bleeding profusely. I'm pretty sure I can spare a sweater," I said with a tinge of hysteria.

"You'll get cold."

"Spencer Reid, I swear to God, I'm going to kill you." Where was the EMT? Luckily, I heard the muted sounds of a far away ambulance.

"I'm going to go handcuff that guy. Apply pressure," I instructed.

When I returned Reid was dutifully pressing down on my sweater. I was thankful that it was black. If the color was lighter it would be painfully apparent how much Reid was bleeding.

"How'd you know he was here?" Reid asked when I sat back down besides him.

"Garcia called me," I replied, "Are you light-headed?"

"No, I'm fine."

"If you say 'fine' one more time..." He smiled at my cockily. I put the back of my hand on his forehead to check if it was warm.

"What's that for?" he asked. His casual behavior and curiosity calmed me, just a little.

"I don't know. I forgot all my first aid training," I admitted. He chuckled. In the background the sirens grew louder until they were right outside the door.

The unsub and Reid were loaded in different ambulances and sent to the nearest hospital. Hotch and Prentiss arrived less then a minute after the first set of sirens in a police car. Morgan wasn't far after.

"How's the kid?" Morgan asked.

"He'll be fine," I assured him, finally thinking clearer. He nodded and wrapped an arm around me in his brotherly way. I blinked rapidly, fighting back a sudden surge of emotion from I-didn't-know-where.
Having finished instructing the police department on how to proceed, Hotch walked over.

"Great work, Davis," he said curtly.

"Thank you."

"Morgan, take her by the hotel to change, and then to see Reid at the hospital," he said. Morgan nodded. A deeper understanding seemed to exist between them. I looked down, realizing that I was covered in Reid's blood.

"Let's go, Watson," Morgan said to me, he removed his arm and opened the passenger side door for me.

"Is that really my nickname?" I whined and slid into the seat.

"That's what you get for saving Sherlock."

"Much help I was. I should have aimed faster. Then Reid would have gotten shot."

"Don't beat yourself up. You did what you could with the time that you had."

"Yeah, I know."

"Seriously, Maya. You care way more about this then he does. He won't blame you at all." I looked at Morgan and when he caught my eye, something in the way he contemplated me made it obvious he knew how I felt about Reid.

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