Chapter Nine

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Throughout school the next day I could hardly stop shaking my leg under my desk. I was way too excited to meet my mystery boy. I kept glancing around my shoulder or staring at every Nick I knew to see if he could potentially be my Nick Noah. Nick texted me early saying he was very excited for our date and I couldn't help but blush all day at his mention of calling it a date.

I told my parents before they went to bed and they were actually happy for me. My dad wasn't ecstatic to hear that Nick wasn't a member of the church, though. I was able to get away with it mostly because it would be my first date and I knew my parents most likely saw me as a lost cause.

After school (the twins no longer had wrestling practice), I raced home with my three brothers in the car and took a shower. While in a towel I stood before my bed where my potential outfits were laid out. I could wear a dress because the weather had been warming up recently, or I could wear jeans and a sweater. Sweaters either made me look bigger than I was or just plain sloppy. I decided to go with a dark pair of jeans, a tight shirt, and a jean jacket. I always enjoyed the idea of denim on denim. I slipped into a pair of white TOMS and curled my hair into smooth dark waves. I stole some lip gloss from my mom and a little bit of eyeliner. My acne couldn't be helped but I made sure to wash my face real good. By the time I was ready to meet up with Nick, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled for once in a really long time. I was sort of ... happy with how I looked. I knew it was the confidence I was carrying about me. I loved the feeling and I knew it was all because of Nick.

I said a quick prayer that everything would go great tonight then left. I got to the bowling alley where Nick said that he would be waiting in one of the lanes. He didn't specify which one because he didn't know which ones would be open by the time we met up. I slipped into the vast room where the lanes were and peered around, ignoring the small groups that were there, and found the back of someone's head who was sitting alone. I tentatively made my way towards him. He was in lane five. He claimed over text that the number five was his lucky number. I smiled at the thought of remembering that until I caught hold of who he was.

I didn't have to look at my mystery boy to know that he had light brown hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, and a straight nose. For before me, was Nick Cam. Nick Noah Cam.


I whistled to myself and tapped my fingers on the seat beside me to the music playing throughout the alley when I heard someone gasp. I turned and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

"Stacy!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet. Before me stood the chubby girl that had been a sign all along. Since I got her number I wasn't able to get away from the constant appearances of her in my daily life. She was the girl all along!

I blushed as I looked her body up and down. I had never checked a bigger girl out and I couldn't believe it that now I was! Her appearance was simple and not slutty in the slightest. I immediately felt comfortable around her. Her appearance also brought a light about her that I wished I could just have grabbed and held for myself.

I put out my hand and she took it.

"Nick Cam." She said, I nodded. "I can't believe it."

"Yeah," I shoved my hands into my pockets. "I can't believe it either." I chuckled and she looked away. "You look nice tonight. You don't always dress up like this," she shrugged this time.

"Well, when you've been texting a random boy for a few weeks who you suddenly gain feelings for, you want to look nice when he asks to officially meet you." I smiled.

"I'm glad." She smiled and it got awkward. "I uh ... already plugged our names into the computer, see?" She looked up at the scoreboard above our lane and nodded. Once she got shoes, she walked over to the shelves of bowling balls and tested out every single one. She came back with a thirteen and I was impressed. "You sure you don't want to use a nine or ten?" She gave me a stupid grin and shook her head.

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