Chapter Nineteen

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Our entwined hands bumped against each other's hips. Well, my hip and Nick's thigh. The sun was low, and the air lingered with the fresh scent of an earth right after rain.  It smelt amazing and I was glad that the person I cared about in a romantic way was here beside me to enjoy the moment.

"I don't want break to be over." My boyfriend said with a squeeze of my hand. I tucked a loose lock of hair behind my ear and looked at him as we walked hand in hand down a gravel road not too far from the cabins.

"You're not tired of my family yet?" He chuckled and stuck his free hand into the pocket of his light blue jeans which were rolled up at the ankle, showing off defined ankle bones and a little bit of leg hair. His plaid shirt fit perfectly with the colors of the setting sun also.

"No, I love your family." He looked at me. "But I love spending time with you." I turned to face him. I knew he was smiling at me, an adorable, simple smirk, and I loved to witness it whenever he wore it on his handsome face.

"I'm glad you decided to come on this trip."

"I'm glad you invited me." I picked up our hands and kissed the back of his. He stopped us and grabbed my round face with both his hands. "I don't know what spell you have put on me, Stacy Kelly Travie, but I'm ... I'm in love with you," I caught my breath and swallowed. "We're almost out of high school. You turn eighteen soon. I know you want to go to BYU in Utah. I don't have any big plans like you, but ... I want you to know now that ... I'm willing to follow you wherever you decide to go in this life."

My heart was beating fast. Really fast. I felt my stomach muscles tighten and the little whistles of birds and the weeds in the wind went silent. I didn't know what to say to that. What does someone say to that?

"Nick," I tried to keep eye contact with his light blue eyes and urged myself not to stare at the ground. "You're the first boyfriend I've ever had. So if I say the wrong thing, don't get mad, please?" He chuckled.

"I get it, you weren't ready for that. I'm sorry. I know that at times I can sometimes be pushy and even grabby." He slid his arms to my waist and yanked me to his pelvis. I turned red all over. "I just wanted you to know my future plans, which I intend to fill with you. A lot of couples break up after high school because of the long distance. I don't want that for you and I. So I want you to know that I plan on making this easy for us both. Mh?" He smiled at me and I smiled back with a shy nod. Though I was already looking at him, he grabbed my chin and caressed it with his thumb. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his thin neck.

After we shared a passionate kiss, we hugged. "Thank you, Nick," I muffled into his shirt. "I ... love you, too." He squeezed me tighter and for a split second, I was glad that his arms were able to wrap farther around me.


I laid in bed the last night of the trip gripping the sheets and swallowing every minute. Why the heck did I say what I did? When Stacy didn't respond to my declaration, I immediately began to freak out! The warning that Kyle had beguiled into my head throughout my teenage years was haunting me.

There is always someone in the relationship who is more in love than the other.

For the longest time I thought Stacy would fill that position. But I'm the fool who fell for her. And hard at that. What was I thinking!?

My mind wandered to the taste of alcohol. I needed some right now. My girlfriend was making me go crazy. Spending this time with her and her family has me wishing even more that I was officially part of this family. Why did God give me such a crappy family on this earth? I mean, my mom doesn't suck but my dad does. Why didn't God give me siblings? Will my mom try to have any kids with James?

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