25 - Battle for the Earth: Part 2

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Everyone froze, waiting, watching, listening.

Thud thud

The team began moving again, slowly, cautiously. No one could see more than a few feet ahead and it made for slow going but they all felt that safe was better than sorry.


Justin stomped again, bringing the group to a halt. He could hear something moving in the near distance and waited for it to move on before stomping twice and starting forward once more. The swirling dust cloud that had settled on the streets like a thick blanket kept them invisible so long as they didn’t speak or make any other obviously human noises. Justin opted to not use the mind link because Andréas could evesdrop anytime he pleased.

Thud thud

Once he was certain the creature had moved on, Justin stomped twice again and they continued on their way.


“Shouldn’t we be helping them?”

Sam was furious.

“No, there’s nothing we can do. It’s up to them now,” Bryan tried to reason with his son, who was understandably upset.

The young adult threw up his hands in exasperation, “But we can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

“We aren’t doing nothing,” Bryan asserted, gesturing at the people all around them. The remainder of the wolves and humans had reconvened on the edge of the city. They were either wounded and being treated, or treating the wounded. “We’re here, doing our part.”

“I should be out there,” Sam growled out, knowing his father was right but unwilling to be reasonable.

Bryan put a hand on Sam's shoulder, feeling him tense up and then relax. “He’ll be okay, son.”

“Please be okay.”


Thud thud

Justin gestured toward the open door of a mostly intact community arena, heading toward it and slipping inside. He waited for the rest of the group to file inside before shutting the door silently behind them.

Zach conjured a flame just big enough to light up the immediate area.

Putting a finger to his lips, Justin beckoned for the group to follow him down a flight of stairs into the depths of the building. They found an empty change room and shut themselves inside.

The room had a musty smell – one that would be familiar to anyone who had played hockey – but it wasn’t fresh. It almost smelled stale, or old. Like the room hadn’t been used in several years. Mingling with the old musty smell was a different smell, one that Justin couldn’t put his finger on. This smell was much fouler than the musty hockey smell. It was faint but so rancid that it was easy to pick up. Justin had smelled it outside and was surprised that it carried down into their temporary sanctuary. What they didn’t know was that the smell was that of death; of charred and rotting bodies.

“Okay, I think it’s safe to speak here,” Justin said in a hushed voice, still wary of his surroundings as a few of the people who could manipulate fire lit their hands. A dull orange glow filled the room, illuminating the group of twenty-five odd people who couldn’t be less alike.

The elite tactical team was there, minus Théo of course. Along with them were Zach, Sarah, and a few of the stronger – and still living – kinetics who were on the combat team.

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