Chapter Four

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3rd Person POV

After the pain that was last night's class trial, everyone of the students were less than eager to get up the next day to Monokuma's normal morning announcement. His voice was so cheerful and calm as it always was. Which only served to unsettle some, and enrage others.

Not only did they have to deal with that, but monokuma then suddenly called everybody to the gym in the morning, with nobody understanding why.

"What's he gonna do to us this time?" Makoto wonders to himself just as he enters the gymnasium, only to see that almost everyone had already arrived.

All of the students were practically frozen with fear. But Monokuma was determined to get them involved in his little game... And with that goal in mind, he began it yet another day in this hellish academy.

"Okay! Lift your arms up, and down! One, two, three, four!" Monokuma says as he does some stretches on the gyms stage, while all the students watch in confusion.

"One, two, three, four!" Ishimaru says as he follows monokuma's instructions

"Now reach waaay up, and bend waaay down! Tighten those muscles! Let's add a little strength, a little speed to those young bodies of yours!" Monokuma says

"...." Makoto looks at him with a dumbfounded expression as he tries to make sense of this ridiculous situation.

"Ahh, doesn't this feel just great!? Being stuck inside like this, you gotta make sure to stay healthy!" Monokuma tells the students

"You're the o-one keeping us "stuck inside"..." Toko reminds him with a scowl on her face.

"Don't sweat the small stuff! That's my motto." Monokuma says

"Whoa, I sounded pretty cool just now, don'tcha think? Did you fall in love with me? Am I just to die for? Am I just to die in writhing agony for?" He asks all of the students with a proud expression.

"So... why did you call us here? Certainly it wasn't just to make us exercise..." Sakura questions monokuma

"Just to make you exercise? JUST to make you exercise!?" Monokuma shouts as he starts getting angry at this question.

"If exercise makes you laugh, exercise will make you cry! Now, if you keep doing these exercises, you will uncover the secret of the Assassin's Fist! Passed down from generation to generation in the empire of darkness... The power can by yours!" He exclaims

"That sounds like the kind of junk a middle schooler would come up with..." Hifumi says

"It doesn't matter! Just get to the point. Did you really call us down here just to exercise?" Makoto asks Monokuma

"Of course not! You think I have that kind of free time on my hands!?" Monokuma answers him.

"Okay, so then..." Makoto says, awaiting for Monokuma to continue.

"Ahh, I'd like to make an announcement! Every time you overcome a class trial here at Hope's Peak, a whole new world will open up to you!" Monokuma tells everybody

"A whole new world...? What does that even mean?" Makoto wonders

"It'd really suck if you had to live here forever with nothing new to stimulate you! Besides, I know how you kids get these days with your ADD and ADHD. I gotta keep you motivated! So go ahead, look around all you want! Enjoy the brave new post-trial world till you explode!" With that, Monokuma disappeared, leaving everyone even more confused than when he'd shown up. But...

"A new world?" Junko mutters

"Is he talking about... a way to get outside?" Aoi wonders

"That seems... unlikely." Sakura tells her

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