Chapter Seven

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3rd Person POV

The elevator ride down was far more somber than last time to say the least. Everyone was silently staring off into space as the creaky elevator descended closer towards the trial room.

Eventually, the elevator doors open up to a newly decorated courtroom. Unfortunately for everyone, no matter how different the decorations of this room may be, it was still the same room where everyone's fate will once again be decided. The room that at the very least, one person here will not be coming back from.

"What do you guys think? I've completely redecorated! Isn't it so fresh and amazing? Go on, praise your lovable headmaster for his amazing work." Monokuma tells the students, clearly proud of his handy work.

"Just shut up already so we can start." Byakuya commands monokuma. Clearly he has no interests in dealing with monokuma's this time around.

"I see your itching to get this trial underway. That's great to hear. So why don't we get this show on the road! Everyone head to your assigned seats so we can begin!" Everyone follows monokuma's directions and the second class trial, the trial to discover chihiro fujisaki's killer begins

"Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... Then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will earn the right to graduate!"

"Ah! Before we begin, there's a few things I want to say... to the killer." F/N says, catching everyone's attention.

"Uh, is it really that important? Can't it wait?" Yasuhiro asks F/N.

"It is of the utmost importance actually." F/N tells him while nodding his head.

"Anyways... To whoever was the one that killed chihiro, I want you to do your best." F/N begins. As soon as he starts talking Aoi audibly groans in annoyance while Monokuma immediately starts clapping his paws in excitement.

"Do your best to keep us from finding the truth. Make sure that none of us can unveil even a single mystery of how you were able to commit this murder. And as for the rest of you..." He continues. "I want you to give it your all as well! I want you to reveal every last detail of this murder, leaving the culprit no choice but to submit! An absolute win! A flawless victory! That's what you should all be aiming for!"

"Because I want to see that look on the culprits face when even after all of your effort, you still are the one to be executed... because, that is what a class trial is all about." He adds with a malicious cackle.

"So that's what you wanted to say! I see, I see. I absolutely agree with you. Nothing makes a trial more amazing than that I'd say!" Monokuma exclaims. "But... that makes me wonder... Whose side are you on exactly?" Monokuma asks with a grin on his face.

"Sides? There are only winners and losers. And those who win are the ones who deserve to. That's all." F/N explains as he places his hands on the edge of his stand and leans forward.

"I knew we shouldn't have let him talk first! Hearing that speech gave me major bad vibes! He definitely put a curse on one of you guys!" Yasuhiro warns everyone with a freaked out expression, only for him to be ignored anyways.

"If you're all done having a chat, we have a trial to get through if you remember." Celeste reminds everyone while taping her finger against her own stand repeatedly

"Well if you're all itching to get started, then I think our first topic of discussion should be something simple for you guys. Like... what the murder weapon was, maybe." F/N suggests.

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