Chapter 2: It Is What It Is

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< we just want the world to love
the little monsters that we are >


*1 day ago*

Nickolas' PoV:

It's 5 pm. And my mother called me saying dad requested my immediate presence at home.
She says it was quote on quo "urgent".

I left the company, getting into my White BMW driving home relatively fast for legal speed limits.

The drive took about 45 minutes, shorter than usual due to the speed limits abiding citizen I deliberately chose not to be.

I got inside my parent's house around 6 o'clock, going straight into my dad's home office. That's where he always is.

I knocked twice and entered, to find my father going through some scattered documents from a blue file on his messy desk.
"You asked for me dad?".

"Yes, Nick. Sit down, there's something I need to discuss with you in person " he says in all seriousness. He never 'requested' my presence saying it was 'urgent' before like this.
What is going on?

"Just cut to the chase dad" I urge him to just not beat around the bush. I value my time dearly.

"You know how in the last few months gun laws were passed on?" He says eying me warily.

I nod in response.

"Well, as a company that makes bullet casings and gun powder, our profits have declined by a drastic percentage now" he states the obvious, as if I'm not the one who stays after hours everyday trying to make the situation better.

"Yes, what about that?" Where is this thing going?

He draws in a deep breath, probably preparing for his next sentence. " Well, a business partner of mine is facing the same problem and we figured out a solution " I don't think I'll like the sound of whatever he's going to say next.

He looks me dead in the eyes now.

"Velez Industries and Armington Inc. are merging. The deal comes with a side kick.
You'll be marrying Richard Armington's only daughter, Aria Armington". it is.

"Are you kidding dad? I thought arranged marriage was like 2 centuries ago" I deadpanned exasperated.

"Listen closely. We studied our options and this seems to be the best fitted solution. Instead of fighting and negotiating over percentages and CEO position, you'll get married and both handle the new company " his firm voice fills the room.

"You're joking, right?" He wants to dictate my life for the sake of the company. Now I don't have to only sacrifice my precious time to save the company, he wants me to give up my happiness and freedom as well.

"You have to understand son, in the world of business everything happens quickly. One day you can own millions in stock shares and the next day, those same stocks can crash down. Thus we need to act quick, make our move before we lose more" as if justifying it will make it less harsh than what it is.

" Tomorrow morning I'm headed to Armington Inc. to meet with Mr. Armington and Aria, your future wife ".

He informs me to what end? Encouraging me to go along? Nice move, dad. I'll give you A+ for the effort though.

He emphasized the words future wife as if stating 'it is what it is, deal with it'.

I just can't believe how controlling he is, might as well sacrifice me to satan if he doesn't care about me that much.
I kept my thoughts grounded in my brain, not having the audacity to 'disrespect' him by questioning his judgment and vision. He'll just blow me off. He always does when we disagree on something.
He feels the need to have everything his own way.

"Fine, but you'll have to deal with them on your own " I spat furiously at his nonchalant attitude towards the whole situation.

Standing up, I take prominent strides towards the door with fury reeking out of my features, voice and demeanor.

He didn't even bother to check if I had a girlfriend, or my opinion on anything else for that matter.



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