Chapter 20: Supposedly

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< but we were dancing,
dancing with our hands tied >

-Taylor Swift.

Aria's PoV:

It was Monday again and I wanted to stay in bed and cuddle with Nickolas under the silky sheets.

Reality however, decided to punch me in the face harder than one of Silvester Stallone's punches.
We're adults in charge of running a company.
We need to go to work.
I sigh begrudgingly as I open my eyes and come face to face, and body to body, with a grinning Nickolas.

Last night was probably the best night of my life and I couldn't be happier.

"Hey, we need to get up" I tell him not sounding convincing at all and he kisses my collar bone.

He tightens his hands on my naked skin and nuzzles his nose in my neck.
"Yeah, we should get up" he says but neither one of us makes an effort to move from the safe havens we're held in.

The alarm clock goes off again and I decide to comply this time around finally getting up from him and going straight into the bathroom for a quick shower.


We're at the office now and Mr. lover boy here can't keep his hands to himself.

"Nickolas, we're at work. Try keeping your hands to yourself!" I hiss at him in my chair near his and he pecks my lips several times before answering.

"I'm sorry I can't resist my gorgeous wife " he says in a teasing matter and I smile at his adorableness.

"Do you have the files for the candidates applying for the open position?" I ask him scanning the papers in my hands.

"Yeah, can you please interview the candidates ? I have a deal to close in two days in Japan?" He asks me and I nod approvingly.

"Yeah, sure" I offer a genuine smile.

"Thanks babe" he says and I try not to overthink of his endearment.
Or any of the others.

Cream-cheeks, babe, baby, sweetheart, wifey

A short list of what he's been calling me lately.
Although, I have to admit cream-cheeks and wifey were my favorite.

We hadn't had a thorough talk about this. What is this, or confessed our feelings towards each other. Supposing he had any.

I take a look at the resumès of people who applied for the marketing manager, my old position before the raise to co-CEO with my husband.

There were a lot of people applying, and I sighed knowing interviews in two days are going to last longer than 'forever' meant in Disney movies.

But the fact that Nickolas trusted me with this while he was away fluttered my heart.
He trusted my vision and judgment to choose whomever I saw fit for this position.
Just like I equally trusted him beyond seas to keep his word and remain faithful to me.


After I was done with work at home, I was sitting on the sofa with the tv as my background noise to the thoughts going on inside my head.

What exactly did I feel for Nick?
At first it was mere attraction, given his looks who wouldn't? But then, there was more to that.
The small gestures that indicated he cared about me.

He wouldn't let me work in the mornings on an empty stomach.

He would cook dinner with me, even though we were both uneducated in the kitchen and sometimes the food ends up burnt or inedible.

He would playfully get mad when I occupied the bathroom for too long in the mornings but never once actually got angry at me.

He even lets me cuddle with him every night till we fall asleep with no complaints. Though I know he enjoys it as well, but even when he's dead beaten tired he doesn't push me away from atop of him.

I don't know at exactly what moment I started developing feelings for him. It kind of just... happened along the way.
My feelings for him are very confusing and uncertain. I'm not certain about loving him, seeming love is such a strong word to use, but I didn't just like him.
I certainly felt more than just liking him.

I'm not even sure if he feels the same way as me or just coexisting with my presence.

I hoped for the first instead of the latter.

I hear the door click and the sound pulls me out of my thoughts.
Nickolas finds me on the sofa, he's still dressed in his business attire after getting home from work, preparing required documents for his flight.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I ask as he takes some steps closer until he's right in front of me, then kneels down so we're on the same eye level and he pecks my lips.

"Definitely better after coming home to my wifey" he chuckles and kisses me once again.

"You must be tired. Go take a shower and I'll prepare some popcorn and snacks and we can watch a movie " I suggest wanting to spend some time with him, taking his mind off of work.

He pecks my lips one last time before standing to his full height and retorts to the bedroom.

His voice echoes through the house "Just make sure you don't burn the house down"
he reminds me and I feel like attacking him, but prevent from it, focusing at the task in hand: how to not burn the popcorn. Or the kitchen for that matter.


Two hours later, we were snuggled up on the living room sofa. My head on his chest and his arms securely tied around me.
I concentrate on tracing patterns on his arms around me, completely ignoring whatever going on in the movie.
It's not like I haven't watched The Vow like a million times by now.

His hands slip under my shirt and he starts caressing my soft skin gently and I turn around straddling him, my hands go from his rock hard chest to his arms, finally his soft locks of dark hair.

I bring my lips on his and he kisses me back passionately, tightening his hold on my sides, keeping me in place.

One thing leads to another and before I know it, he stands up, making my legs wrap around his waist, still deepening the kiss. He slowly starts walking somewhere.
I recognize it's the bedroom as he gently closes the door behind him and gently lays me down on the mattress.




I love you.
Yes, you who are reading this sentence❤️

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