Heart broken

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My boyfriend Jack and I haven't gotten along as well as usual for the past month. He's always out with his boys and returns home hours after he said he would.

Tonight we were supposed to have a date. We were supposed to eat dinner together and go to the movies, but an hour before our meeting, he canceled.

It was 3 am when I heard the apartment door open. I pretended to be asleep when Jack entered the room. "Come on Y/N, I know you're awake," he said. I gave up. I sat up and stared at him. "You're late, again and you ditched me again," I told him while crossing my arms. He took a seat on the chair across from the bed. "It's no biggie" he responded. "Yes, yes it is. You're always gone. You come home late when I'm already sleeping and in the mornings you are already gone. Tonight was going to be our night but you canceled. You know what? Slowly I'm starting to feel like this isn't working anymore!" I shouted angrily at him. "Oh don't act like a baby! I had to find out by Trevor that you've talked to Nina about us instead of coming to me!" he responded. "Oh yeah?! When was I supposed to talk to you when you are always gone? Hm?! At least I know I can talk to her! At least she is there for me!" "You know what Y/N it's over. We don't work! This relationship is toxic! There is no more 'us'!" Jack said full of anger.

I stood up from the bed and went to the closet. I got my suitcase off the top. I was done packing and pulled my suitcase behind me as I walked out of our bedroom into the living room. Jack was sitting on the couch just staring at our fireplace. For one last time, I took a moment to look around. On the wall were a lot of happy pics of us. There was one of my Prom and the draft day but also pictures of our date nights...it hurts to see those happy memories. I decided to write one last letter to Jack I don't know if he'll read it or if he'll just throw it away. Either way, I need to do this to get it off my chest.

Dear Jack,

I don't know if you'll read my words that I'm about to write...but I just wanted to tell you that no matter how ugly we broke up, you'll always have a place in my heart. You were, are, my first love. You were my first kiss, my first everything...it hurts to see you change and it hurts that we didn't get to spend our whole lives together but I guess we weren't meant to be or it was just the wrong timing. Maybe one day, we'll see us again. Maybe when we're grown up and maybe if you feel anything for me we can work things out. But maybe this is the last time our paths cross. If that is the case I just wanted to let you know that you were the best that could've happened to me. You were always good to me but lately, you have changed and I don't know what happened but I guess you don't want me to know.

Anyway, I'll always love you. Stay safe and don't do anything stupid.


A  tear fell on the letter and left a mess on some words. I looked back once more where Jack was sitting. He was looking at me and I could see the water in his eyes. But I just turned around and went out of the apartment. As soon as I sat in my car I called Nico on my phone because he lived nearby and I had no clue where to stay. "Hey Nico, it's me..." I said with a shaky voice "Hi Y/N what's wrong? Have you been crying?" "Yeah...can I stay with you tonight?" I asked "Of course" he responded. I hung up and drove to his apartment a few blocks away.

On my way to his apartment, I thought about Jack and what he's doing now. after a 10-minute drive, I arrived at Nico's. He was already waiting at the front door and as he sees me he approaches my car. I can see the worries on his face. I don't want his pitty!
I got out of my car and started to shiver because, of course, I forgot my Jacket at my old apartment. Nico looked at me and just wrapped his arms around me. I felt the warmth and suddenly I just felt safe. Do you know that feeling when you're sad and someone hugs you and then you just start bawling your eyes out? Well if you do, I'm sorry for you. But that is basically what had happened.

Now two months later I'm not staying with Nico anymore. I got my own apartment a few blocks away and even more blocks away from Jack. I haven't heard anything about him and I was close to asking Nico how Jack is but I refused to in the last second.  I was just sitting at a bench in the park when somebody sat beside me. It was Quinn Hughes, Jack's brother. "Hey Y/N" I heard him talk "What are you doing so alone in the park?" he asked, "Well I just had to get out of my apartment for a while..." I told him with a slight smile, "So what are you doing here in Jersey? Oh wait tonight is the game between the Canucks and the Devils, isn't it?" I totally forgot about it. I was supposed to go to the game with Jack! "Well yes, it is. You forgot about it, haven't you?" Quinn said laughing "Yeah with everything going on at the moment it just had to have slipped my mind." I admitted. "What do you think of a coffee? Then we can catch up on everything since we haven't talked much" he suggested. I nodded and we went to a small cafe around the corner. We sat in a booth in the front by the window.

"So what did I miss while I was in Vancouver?" Quinn asked me "Well, I don't know if you already heard it but Jack and I broke up. I stayed at Nico's for a while and now I have my own apartment. That's basically the short version of what happened while you were gone" I shrugged my shoulders.  Quinn remained silent for a minute or two before he spoke up again. "Yeah, I heard. But listen to me Jack hasn't been the same since you two broke up..." "He wasn't the same long before we broke up," I said quickly and mad "I know just let me talk alright? Jack regrets what he has done. I can't really tell you why he was acting so weird that is something that Jack has to tell you on his own. But let me invite you to the game tonight, if you don't want to that's fine but if it's just because Jack will be there, I can make sure you two won't have to face."

Fast forward to now. I'm at the game. But I'm not here to see Jack. At least that's what I tell myself. Well, I can tell you one thing the game got ugly. Jack was bodychecked into the boards. His helmet flew off before his head hit the ice. He didn't move for a minute. The players all skated towards him to see if he's alright. The whole arena just went silent. When he was hit I could hear the gasps in the audience, me included.
I was standing and watching in shock how they carried him off the ice.
I don't exactly remember how I got here but somehow I ended up in the Devil's locker room. Jack was conscious and talking to the paramedics. No one noticed me until I tripped.

"Y/N?" he asked with a raspy shaky voice. I did not respond to that. I just walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. I felt the tears rolling down my face but I also felt Jack's arms around my body. I missed his so familiar smell and this feeling of home. "I missed you. I'm sorry that I acted like an total ass" Jack said and I could swear he's crying "It's alright. I should've talked to you about how I felt instead of going to Nina." I sobbed.
When we pulled out of the hug we locked our eyes. The world around us stopped and just him and I were existing. We got closer and we closed our eyes as an upset Quinn entered the room.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were here Y/N," he said while holding his hand in front of his eyes. I chuckled "Quinn you can take your hand down. And I'm here because that crash looked really hard and I wanted to look after Jack." As soon as I finished Jack's teammates stormed into the room. They all looked worried until they saw him and me sitting on the ground. They started smiling and 'oww'-ing.

Jack and I worked things out and now we live happily ever after.

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