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It may be well past midnight but Jungkook couldn't get a wink of sleep

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It may be well past midnight but Jungkook couldn't get a wink of sleep. No matter how much sheep he had counted or how much blankets he placed on himself he just couldn't sleep. He tosses and turns in the dark.

He was exhausted and in dire need of sleep but his eyes just won't close. His mind was still heavy with thoughts and he began to get annoyed. He turns on his backside and rubs his hair vigorously.

"Just get out of my head already!" He whines as he kicks off the blankets like a child. He left Seojun hours before and brushed off his words with no care.

So why? Why were his words ringing in his head like a bell?

"I'm just going to see if Jisun has feelings for me, that's all. And if she does then. . .well you know what'll happen."

"If you say something then maybe I won't make a move."

What the hell was he planning? Why would he say that? Jungkook glares at his ceiling like it was a mortal enemy.

Seojun was his best friend since high school. He was his only true friend who was the same age as him. They respected each other, loved each other like brothers.

Jungkook would never cross a line that'll cause a rift between the two of them. He thought Seojun thought the same, but apparently not. How can he like you? Why you?

It irritated him knowing there are two guys have an interest in you. It was Taehyung and now Seojun. Both handsome and charismatic. Both were absolute chick magnets.

It was true that he told Seojun that he has no feelings for you but still. Shouldn't that line of respect not be crossed? God, he sounded like a selfish child. It annoyed him.

You weren't an object but he feels as though he was treating you like one. He doesn't have a right to be mad at those who like you. And he shouldn't be mad at you for possibly liking them too.

But with all that in his mind, it still irritated him. He groans and rolls out of bed. He trudges out of the room and to the entryway.

Maybe if he walks once more, his mind might be cleared. He slipes on his slides and shrugs on a sweater. He exits his apartment and starts his walk to the elevator.

But he didn't even take two steps and feels his feet rooted to the floor. He looks to his right and sees your front door. A frown becomes evident on his rosy lips.

Were you upset that he left so suddenly at the cafe hours earlier? Were you mad at him? Maybe he had overreacted or maybe he didn't.

After all, you didn't answer him if you would like him back if he hypothetically liked you. It was a simple question that probably didn't mean much to you. But to him, your answer was everything.

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