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Jimin grasps his cup, smirking before taking a sip

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Jimin grasps his cup, smirking before taking a sip. "This is gonna be good."

You shoot him a nasty glare making Jimin snicker to himself before setting his glass. You were already stressed enough as it is, you didn't need to deal with Jimin's side comments as well.

Glancing to your side you see Jungkook staring down your father with a confident stare. You blinked twice hoping you were just imagining things. But you weren't.

Jungkook was having a staring contest with your father, whom you both agreed was the scariest out of everyone at this table. You never saw him like this, you never saw him act so confident before. Your heart swells at the sight with a sense of pride beginning to pulse through you.

You give his hand yet another small squeeze before you turn to look at your father. A flicker of emotion gleams in his eyes and you squint yours as if you can see it better. But whatever emotion your father felt besides anger swiftly conceals itself.

You hear Jungkook take in a deep breath. "Mr. Park, I know--"

"It's Sir, to you now!" Your father shouts with a finger pointing at Jungkook.

Tension began to hover the table, it was like a heavyweight was pushing down on your shoulders. Your father breathes heavily with his eyes upon you and Jungkook. Jungkook keeps his mouth shut thinking that it's best to talk once he has calmed down.

As if reading Jungkook's mind your mother gently places a hand on your father's arm hoping to calm him.

"Dear, you need to calm down," she informs calmly. "Let them speak."

"I don't want to hear it," your father declares. "Just end it."

Your eyes widen while your body becomes rigid.

"What?!" You and Jungkook shout simultaneously.

"You heard me," your father huffs. "End it right now."

You had no words to refuse his demand. Your throat became dry as you stare at him in disbelief. Your grip tightens around Jungkook's hand.

You didn't need to spare a glance at him. You knew his face was as blank as yours.

Jimin's eyes widen in surprise and slowly he sinks down in his seat. There was no doubt in your mind that he wanted more than anything than to be excused from the table. He held no place in this conversation.

Your mother glances at your father and shakes his arm. "That was a bit harsh," she mumbles.

"I don't care!" Your father snaps and pushes up his chin intimidatingly. "They have to know that I don't accept this."

"But father!" You shout finally finding your voice. "Jungkook is a good person! You know that!"

"And that is true," he agrees with a hard tone. "But my answer is still the same."

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