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Charlee got to Jack's and smiled. He had called her to try to talk to Grace. Grace wasn't herself at all and everyone could tell.

Jack answered the door and smiled as Charlee walked in. He looked at her and winked. "Thank you for coming. She's in her room. I don't know what to do. Ronnie was always good at talking to her," he said.

Charlee smiled and nodded. "What happened? Is she okay?" She asked.

Jack looked down and shook his head. "She's involved in something. A drug ring. Shes been manipulated into it. I didn't see how vulnerable that she was and I missed all the signs."

Charlee looked at him and placed a hand on his arm. "You're a good dad Jack. No one could have seen this. But Grace needs you. You need to be her dad. You need to try and make sure the police don't try and jail her for this," she told him.

Jack nodded and looked to her. He knew she was right and that he couldn't let Grace to jail for this. "Can you sit with Amy and Ricky? I need to talk to her."

"Of course. Go be a hero daddy," Charlee said as she looked into his eyes.


Charlee stood in the kitchen as she heard the door slam. "Dad wait!" Grace called as she ran down the stairs.

Charlee walked out of the kitchen and saw Grace as she sat on the stairs. Charlee could see that she had been crying. Charlee sat next her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and sighed. "Hey. What happened?" Charlee asked.

"He's going to do something stupid. I know that he is. You have got to stop him."

"I can't babes. I have no idea where he is."

Grace wiped away the tears from her eyes and looked to Charlee. She sighed. "You don't understand. He is going to kill Fraser for what he did."

Charlee looked to her and smiled. "No he won't. It will all be okay. I promise," she told her.

Charlee was trying to be there for Grace. But she knew that she was shutting herself off. She was hiding so many secrets. She had no idea how to help her through it.

She had no idea where Jack was or what he was doing and she was extremely worried.


Charlee walked into the kitchen and frowned as she saw Jack as he washed off the blood on his knuckles. She walked over and grabbed his hand. "What the hell happened? Grace is worried you killed someone."

"I didn't. Although I wish I did," he said.

Grace looked at him and frowned as he turned to face her. She saw the look on his face. She was worried about what he had done. "You can tell me. What is it?" She asked as she placed a hand on his cheek.

Jack leant in and kissed her. Charlee froze as she kissed him back. She soon pulled away and smiled. "What happened?"

"Grace. She was raped."

Passion Between Them *Eastenders*Where stories live. Discover now