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"Because saving the people you love isn't stupid. It isn't even a choice."


My eyes opened groggily. The persistent knocking at the door had woken me up.

I bolted up in bed, my heart thudded with excitement.

Could Sebastian be back already?

The door flung open the next second and my mood darkened instantly.

"Get the hell out of my room Lucian!" I hissed.

He chuckled in response. "I don't think so Angelica, this isn't your room, this is one of my family's safe houses."

"What do you want?" I gritted out.

"Watch your tone." His voice boomed, his eyes shone with threat.

"You're here because you need something from me. I don't know what it is but let me give you my answer anyway . . . No." I sneered.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

He clapped his hands together and as soon as he did men started barging into the room.

I was about to demand what he was trying to do when my eyes widened in horror. The last two men to enter the room were dragging Warren's limp, bleeding body with them.

"What did you do?!" I screamed as I jumped off the bed and started running towards the unconscious man.

Lucian's hand wrapped around my bicep, halting me. "He's alive, for now. But he won't be if you don't do as I say."

My chest rose and fell with barely contained rage.

"What's it going to be Angelica? Do you want this man's death on your shoulders?"

I eyed Warren's unconscious body in front of me.

"What do you want?" I finally whispered.

He smirked sadistically. His hands tucked into the pockets of his slacks as he sat down on the bed.

"I want you to go undercover again." He chuckled like he was enjoying this whole situation. "Only this time you'll be going without Sebastian."


"Let's go over this once more." Lucian drawled from the front seat of the car as we drove to the location. "What's the name of the target?"

"Tommaso De Luca." I muttered.

"And you are?"

"Martina Lombardi!" I snapped.

"Stop acting like a bitch." Lucian growled.

"Stop forcing me to do shit for you." I countered back.

He chuckled coldly. "You know what, I am going to tell you something that will make you a lot more willing to do this." He tilted his head back to look at me. "Tommaso works for the man who killed Sebastian's brother. If we get Tommaso there is a chance that he will lead us right to his boss."

My breath stuttered.

Lucian's lips twisted into a sly smirk. "I'm sure you're aware of how desperate Sebastian is for revenge. So just think you are doing this for him and not me."

"Why me?" I finally managed to find my voice.

"Because we need a woman to get him alone long enough for us to get him." He responded casually.

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Yes, but it could have been any other woman. Why me?"

He chuckled again. "No other woman happens to be in love with an Alfonsi." He raised his eyebrow pointedly. "If you get caught you won't give us up because ratting on us means ratting on-"

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