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The day has been hectic, I was supposed to have been at the dinner party tonight. Was supposed to be congratulating the bitch I work with who literally broke my best friend on purpose. Just one look and you can tell Luciana Ollett didn't love anyone but herself.

I had been there the night poor Hex had run from Johnny's home and straight to my apartment until she could get to her office in the morning. She was a mess, so much that she eventually moved away to get away from the bitch. If I didn't love my job my I would follow her.

I pull the hem of my tight black dress down and bypass the diner completely, instead going to the hotel bar. Hopefully Hex has arrived already, it hasn't been a great day. I could use my friend.

The bar is fairly busy, I can hear women gossiping loudly about a couple who had just arrived. What they say instantly gets my attention. They start by talking about a girl with too many tattoos and I know instantly that Hex is here, but it's what comes out next that makes me pause.

"..he is so scary but somehow sexy. I bet he is some kind of outlaw, most bikers are. Do you think he has killed anyone?"

"A biker like that, I am sure he has. You hear all the time what kind of men join those gangs. Running drugs, guns, humans, its disgusting.. He is certainly eye candy but that poor woman…he probably treats her terribly."

"He is probably amazing in bed though, could you imagine?"

I frown but follow the direction the women are lustily staring. The back corner is dimly lit but between the candle on the table and the overhead light I can make out the features of the man who is holding my friend in his arms. He is attractive, dressed in a white tshirt and jeans with his leathers over top, but what gets me the most is the look in his eyes as he keeps his focus entirely on Hex.

This man has it bad. I have never seen a man so intimidating look so absolutely devoted to another persons happiness. I bet he doesn't even know how far gone he is, I bet he doesn't grasp it. I smile to myself, Hex deserves to be with someone who actually cares about her but I still worry. Uncertainty can hurt more than one would think.

I walk up to the table and sit down without announcing my presence. I look my friend over and though she looks stressed, she looks happy. With a laugh I decide to interrupt their little two person world. "You two are quite the topic at the bar. Those women can not decide if they want to flee or fuck your friend here. I bet if they thought they could get him to strip they'd be tossing bills at ya."

They both turn to look at me, him confused, her shocked. I know she can see the bruises, it doesn't matter how well I covered them. I take a moment to get comfortable in the booth.

"So I am single again, might loose my job too, but I made it." I force a grin and flagged a waitress down, ordering shots. "Could be worse, its just good I know what I need to do."

"Siri." Hex finally squeaks out as she unfolds herself from the man's arms, a look of pure concern in her green eyes. "What can I do? How do I help?"

The man visibly relaxes as she confirms she knows me. The waitress drops our shots off before quickly disappearing into the crowd. I just shake my head before downing the shot.

"Nothing. I got another eight months left on my lease, seven and a half on my contract at work, plenty in savings, and a restraining order in the works." I nod as I speak, listing off things. "He is in jail right now, neighbors called the cops when he threw me through the front window."

"How much are the fees?" Hex questions and I know she is going to push.

"I can't walk out on work, my lease is one thing but my work contract is entirely different. If I run into any problems I will call you, I promise." I reach for her hand and give it a squeeze as her escorts phone rings and he excuses himself. "So…?"

Charming Hex :hellfireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ