Do I care?

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Fuck my life. I finally manage to get my personal phone back from the hotel and it is cracked. Housekeeping had called the clubhouse while I was out dealing with business and it took all damn week to get out here again. I had been called for work, nothing I could do.

The older woman at the desk scowls at me as I approach, her eyes filled with judgment. "How may I help you sir?"

"I stayed last weekend and left my phone behind, housekeeping left it here for me to pick up. Said it was cracked but I need it. Has all my numbers and shit." I grumble at the woman as she turns and grabs it off the shelf, slamming it down on the counter much harder than necessary.

"What the hell is your problem bitch?" I snarl. I am pent up, like an overly tightened spring ready to pop. This week has been hard and I have barely slept. "Is there something you would like to say?"

The woman turns up her nose and huffs. "Your card has been refunded for the unused nights. The woman who accompanied you did not stay…"

"What?" I snap feeling my eye twitch. Hex has been running through my thougts nonstop but I have been trying my best to not focus on her. "What happened to the woman I was with?"

She didn't stay the extra days. Did she go home? No. No. No. I can't care about her. She was a long game lay, nothing else. I can't bring her into the shit that is going on right now. Fuck. I can't. I can't even sleep without thoughts of her filling my head, dreams of her. No matter how many times I tell myself she is just an amazing lay, nothing else.

The woman narrows her eyes at me before hissing, "That woman walked away from here, no taxi would pick her up... she.."

My heart stops. Is she hurt? Why the hell did she..? Fuck. I left her. I abandoned her to her own personal wolves. Why do I care? I know why. Damn. I know exactly why. I had back tracked again, backtracked on my path to her. I wanted her but I left, its what I do. I didn't even think why, its an ingrained habit. I never meant to leave her though, I still want her.

"Fucking tell me!" I roar out in desperation and get the attention of the other people now occupying the lobby but I don't give a damn. They can stare all they want, I need to know before I lose it.

"She was confronted by a group of women on her way out and she looked… empty by the time they were done with her. I have never seen anything like it." The woman explains as she waves away security that has started to approach. "That horrible blonde girl who rented the hall was cruel but something else was wrong. You could tell, like it was just the final push off of that cliff."

"Fuck." I run my shaking hand through my hair and snatch up the phone. "I got to go."

I beeline for my bike and speed down the highway back towards the clubhouse not slowing till I pull into the parking lot. I sit on my bike for a moment and think, leaning my head into my palms. I haven't slept much without her, I haven't gone more than a few minutes without thinking about her.

Damn. Did I really have it that bad? Yeah, I do. I need her in my life. But how do I fix the damage that I have caused?

I get off my bike and head inside Hellfire south. The building is a repurposed industral warehouse that has been converted into a bar and rally point, next door is the housing for everyone who lives on site and even though I own a house I also have a room there. The lot is busy even for a Friday.

I spot Trigger at the bar next to Ice talking and I head that way ignoring the visitors who glare at me for a brief moment before seeing my rank. I am an enforcer, one of two in the southern chapter,and the safer of the two when compared to Abyss, but still, I make problems disappear, I get answers from the unwilling.

"What are you fuckers up to tonight?" I grumble out, I need a good distraction from what keeps running through my head. I need a distraction from what I did to her.

"Hogz. Group of us are going down there to get some drinks." Ice shrugs, something glinting in his eye.

"Why there? We got drinks and pussy here." I force out with distaste. Pussy I have no interest in.

"Nah man, club whores are busy with clean up tonight. We got to get our dicks sucked the old fashioned way, drunk chicks in bars." Trigger laughs. "Plus that friend of your's is going to be joining us. Bet I can nail that tonight, just gotta turn up the charm."

My eyes go wide and my fists clench. What had been going on while I was gone? I take a deep breath, calming myself before giving a grunt of a reply.

"Again, you are engaged man." Ice hisses out, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Plus I don't think that girls gonna be easy. Baggage, lots of it. Got Static looking into her a bit and has already come back with some shit, bad shit too."

"Why?" I grit out, feeling my temple throb. Why are they looking into her?

"Cause you stuck around so long there has to be something special there. Magic pussy or something. You never stick around, like never." Ice jokes but his eyes are locked on mine. "Those girls are out of your bed before they even get to ask for a second round."

Trigger laughs as do the two prospects behind the bar. I growl and slam my fist on the bar. "What fucking time?"

"Leaving in an hour. Just waiting for the others to get ready. Grim, Dex, Sin, and Chaos are coming with us." Ice smirks, his lip curling in a silent taunt. "You joining us?"

I don't answer, just storm off into the back pulling my phone out as a I walk out the back door. I turn it on and frown at what immediately pops up. Twenty six text messages. All pics from Penni in provocative poses, with little promises and pleads for sex. I glance at the date stamp.

The night I took off. The night I left her alone only to find this. Shit. It just keeps looking worse for me. I pull out a cigarette and flip it around in my fingers. Did Penni do this shit on purpose? Was this part of her plan to betray us? How did she even get my number?

I stick the smoke in my lips and light it, scowling at the taste as I take a long drag. I don't smoke often but right now I feel twitchy around my own brothers. I back out of my texts and go to my contacts, finding her number.

I pause and look at the pic that is on her contact page. She is sitting on her porch holding a beer in her hand, a laughing smirk on her face. I take another long drag and hit the call button.

It rings once then clicks straight to voicemail. I hang up and try again to the same result. She blocked me. I groan and light another cigarette off of the remains of the one I just finished. Fuck. I can't even imagine how angry she is with me. I pace for a moment while I try to come up with what to say to her but I got nothing. Zilch, zip, nada. 

I know one thing though, I can't leave her to a night out with the boys, not my brothers. Her sexy little body and feisty attitude attracts too much attention and they will be on her in a second, like hungry wolves on prey. I guess I am going out tonight and dealing with this shit. Fuck me.

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