Ch 27- Final showdown

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Dedicated to sexynanay

"You went to wish your brother All the best right??"

Aman gave Kanishka a look who was pointing her index finger at him with a confident taunting look on her face. Ignoring her words he sat but then smiled thinking over her words and commented

"Yes, I went to wish 'my brother' All the best!"

"I knew, You are a.. a born traitor!!"

Aman couldn't help the smile from spreading over his lips listening to her, which only infuriated her further. Aditi shook her head smiling at Kanishka, she had understood whom Aman was referring to from 'my brother', as after saying that he smiled wide looking at Karan.

"You are laughing??? So shameless you are!!"

Kanishka exclaimed gritting her teeth, her words doing the work of oil in the fire whereas her cute looks and expressions while saying the same showering ice, calming his anger converting it to a grin which Aman tried hiding behind his sucked in lips.

"Now laugh and play with your hair how much ever you want, If Abhishek wins then you see what I do with this hair of yours"

Aman's hand which was on his hair ceased, his eyes travelled everywhere but to that of her fuming ones, he bit his bottom lip bringing his hand back not looking to irritate her more.

He smirked slightly at her, just to show that her words didn't affect him, but only he knew how scared he felt inside imagining the flames arising out of his head and to prevent the same he jumping around slapping his head. He gulped slightly at his imagination touching his hair

"I just hope this time Abhishek doesn't play any dirty trick on Karan!!"

Aditi spoke applying brakes to Aman's train of thoughts causing him and kanishka to turn their heads from each other to Karan.


"Here's my chit"

Abhishek stretched his hand forwarding the chit to Karan, who gave him a look but said nothing accepting it. As he accepted it not saying anything, Abhishek smirked wide mentally not showing it up on his face and then spoke sincerely

"Sorry for last time, it was my mistake, but this time I won't make any such mistake, You choose the topic and I will speak first as decided last time"

Karan didn't respond but just kept looking at the two chits lost in his thoughts which Abhishek presumed as a clear 'No'. He bit his tongue flattening his lips finding Karan avoiding him, he had expected Karan to not trust him and he already had other plan ready which was to make Karan extremely angry.

He looked to open his mouth to comment something but instead it hung open in surprise as Karan forwarded him the two chits, pointing to one of it as his choice smiling at him.

"Go and give it to the judges, I cannot speak on the other topic so don't confuse it this time!!"

Karan pointed at his chit once again, Abhishek nodded his head in affirmation.

"Trust me you will speak on the same topic!"

Abhishek spoke with a teasing look and with a not so genuine smile.

"I know"

Karan's words baffled Abhishek, his smirk vanished, his eyes narrowed a little trying to take in karan words. He felt his tone weirdly confident, but chucking it he walked towards the judges smirking on the way.

Karan shook his head smirking slightly with an 'As expected' look on his face watching Abhishek evilly smiling walking up to the judges.

"All the best"

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