4: The Project

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Jade wasn't necessarily surprised that Tori had only said a few words since class had started. She's the new girl and is scared of the soul sitting right next to her. Jade was more surprised by the fact that Tori had completed almost all her work when she heard the bell ring. Jade was nearly done with her part too.

"So I'll work on this later tonight. If you wanna log on around six, we could work together that way too." Tori chirped. Jade was shocked that she had a lab partner that actually could get work done without being pushed.

"Umm. Problem with that, I don't have wi-fi at my house, so I can only do handwritten work" Jade said, slightly embarrassed; a new feeling for her.

"That sucks, well maybe you could come to my place then. That way I can type and you could think, sound good?" Jade thought that sounded outrageous. I can't be seen going places with the new girl. That would totally kill my rep. "Sure, meet up with you after school, by the vending machine?" That was my voice. I just said that. Oh fuck.

"Awesome, it's a date"


"You said that?!" The red head jumped from the library table, nearly knocking books off shelves. Jade and Cat typically are lunch in here whenever Jade was frustrated with her boyfriend.

"Maybe. I don't know. I think so. Why would I say that? We have time in class tomorrow to work on it. And why she says 'it's a date'? We are just working on a project. God, I'm an idiot." Jade face flushed red. After finishing her sentence, she heard a snicker.

Cat was laughing under her breath in her adorable way she does when something is cute. Jade tried to look for whatever stuffed animal on a book cover was making her laugh, but she didn't see anything except books authorized by Rick Riordan. She looked back at Cat and noticed Cat was just smiling now.

"What are you on about, dork? Stop smiling at me, it's creepy." Jade said with edge in her voice. Cat didn't stop. Cat wasn't phased by Jade sharp voice.

Cat then spoke up. "It's nothing. Really. I'm looking too far into things." Jade wasn't satisfied with her answer.

"Cat, I will unhinge your jaw and shove these carrots down your throat if you don't tell me right this second." Jade said picking up six or seven carrots form her lunch tray. Cat looked petrified.

"Okay, okay" she started. "I'm just thinking that maybe the reason you said yes without thinking about it is because you wanna be friends with her. Ya know, friends."

Jade was even less satisfied with this new answer. Her eyes turned dark green. Jade hadn't made a new friend since Cat bumped into her in the hallway last year. Big mistake on Cat's part but Jade was sad that day, and Cat talked her out of a panic attack in the bathroom. And even now, Jade was hesitant to call Cat her friend.

"I don't need new friends" Jade said in a calming manner which Cat, who was hiding under the table, found shocking. Every time Jades eyes get dark green, someone was bound to get hurt. Jade just sat back down and continued lunch. Cat waited a minute under the table until Jade pulled her arm up and Cat sat back at her original seat.

The rest of lunch was quiet.


After seventh period, Jade opened her scissor covered locked and stuffed anything she might new for homework that night in her backpack. She grabbed a notebook, a folder, and a few pencils because she was sure she'd snap a couple by the time she got home. She slammed her locker and jumped backward.

Tori. Touched. Her. Arm.

"Hey, so I know you said to meet at the vending machine but I saw you so-"

"First, never touch me. Second, what the hell are you talking about?" Jade said with dark green eyes.

Tori looked confused and opened her mouth as if to speak, but her words got caught in her mouth. Then, Jade remembered.

"Right, Mr. Samuelson's project" Jade completely forgot. Not running in gym and watching kids trip over their untied shoelaces made Jade forget about everything bad in her life.

Tori still hadn't spoke; afraid that the dark person in front of her might claw her eyes out with the very excess able scissors stabbed into the locker door. Instead of talking, Tori was just frozen in place staring at Jades mesmerizing eyes.

After a few snaps of her fingers, Jade was fed up with this girl ignoring her. Jade reopened her locker and slammed it again. Finally, the shorter girl in front of her moved. (Only shorter because Jade had tall boots on while the scared one wore flat shoes.)

"So are we going to your place or what?"

Tori took a step back seeing as though she was about a foot away from Jade.

"Umm oh yes" Tori grabbed her car keys from around her neck and showed them off to Jade, "Let's go"

"Wait, you drive?"

"You scared?"

Jaded Eyes (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now