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For the rest of the day Harry's words remained impressed in Cora's mind together with the remembrance of the odd adventure he'd taken her on.

She wasn't naïve enough not to understand who those people were, despite her knowledge of the world telling her it wasn't possible. But, especially, she wasn't foolish enough not to realise what that exchange implied. She'd also known there was something that set Harry apart from others, and now the truth was right in front of her, waiting for her to reach out and make it hers.

She didn't know if she could do that, though. She'd heard many stories and none of them were good, so if Harry was actually who she thought he was, it meant that she would put herself in danger simply by approaching him.

But there was something in him that sparked the side of her she'd learnt to quiet down with time, the one yearning for something—if adventure or danger, she didn't know. Her curiosity was too powerful for her to silence it and move on with her life, now.

Whatever it was that Harry had to offer, she was interested, and she already knew it would bring her to her ascension, or demise.

For that reason, later that night Cora found herself on the road that brought to the hidden part of the Fair, the one Harry had taken her to the night before. She was wearing the same clothes she'd worn all day, a bit crumpled up because of the amount of hours she'd spent sitting on the stool behind the counter and the ride to the woods, and the people around her kept sending her odd glances from behind their laced fans and fancy dresses. She ignored them. She wasn't there to impress anyone, she was there to talk to Harry.

When she reached the secret square she looked around, feeling as if she'd just entered a parallel universe as she watched everyone around her move around in a whirlwind of bright clothes, shiny details, odd pets and weird objects she'd never seen before.

"Careful!" a silvery voice laughed at her, and she turned around just in time to see a piece of fabric flying towards her and grazing her cheek, before going on its path and slipping off her as its owner walked past her.

She turned her head, catching a glimpse of bright azure eyes smiling at her before the other woman was engulfed by the crowd that was walking into the city.

Cora shook her head, scanning the people around her in search of the one she was interested in, but she wasn't able to find him amongst the oddly dressed adults and the children playing around the bonfire in the middle of the circle of wagons.

She attempted to step forward, but almost fell when she tripped on something. She looked down, frowning when she saw the same cat she'd seen in Harry's bedroom in the past, that shot her a dirty look before scurrying away.

"You should pay more attention."

Cora looked up. A dark-haired woman was staring at her with deep, daunting violet eyes. After the pause of a breath, she recognised her as the one from the night before. Her figure was wrapped in a blood-red dress that shone dangerously in the light of the fire. "You almost tripped over Skat."

"Skat?" Cora asked with a frown, feeling subjected to the intimidating nature of the woman in front of her, and she tutted, tilting her head.

"Harry won't like it." She gave her a shrug before surpassing her and leaving her even more confused than before.

She went back to looking around. How could she find Harry? She'd never had to search for him before—he'd always been the one finding her. She even ended up thinking Aster would do as well because he certainly knew his whereabouts since they were always together, but he was nowhere to be found either.

Her eyes suddenly stopped on a short man that was walking around amongst the performers, shouting and directing them with words and gestures in a stressful and hurried manner, as if he was a director about to bring to the stage the first performance of his new show.

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