The Door

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            "Why do we have to move here it looks like the Cript Creeper lived in here!" Shelby exclaimed.

       "I'm sorry sweety but thus is all I could afford right now. Once your no good excuse of a dad starts sending us money and my job decides to give me a raise, then we can move." Shelby gave her a pleading look. "If you'd like you can go choose your own room."

     "Yea sure." She said with grief.

Once upstairs she walked down the main corridor and came to two turns. One (the left) led  two a pair of spiral steps and the other (the right) led too a long hall of doors.

   "Well hmmm, do I wanna go to the spiral stairs where it is likely a horrific creature is awaiting me, or do I want to go to the safety of the doors. I'll say DOORS." She thought aloud. She began opening, looking in, then shutting. She repeated this process with every door until she found herself at the last one.

"Ugh of course there is no good rooms why would there be." She started walking back to the front yard  when suddenly all the way down the hall she saw the spiral stairs. She walked up the one on the right because it was the "right" one. She did that for some reason. When she reached the top she found a small area that could be a nice living room/area. Straight back was a peeling oak brown door that stuck out against the lavendur wall. She opened the door and inside was a circle window with a closet on the side. It was a veary sizeable room. She looked down at the cracking bumpy hard wood floor. O well it will do she thought.


         The next day she was moving her stuff into her new room. As she was putting her stuff away she noticed a dog sized door at the bottom....

Hey guys this may be a series I don't know yet I may turn it into a whole different book but hey ya never know.

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