A Special Brodcast

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         One night a mother and her three children were listening to their favorite radio story, "LollyLand!". At some point in the middle the singing children from Lolly Land were interrupted by three ear piercing beeps. After they were over a stern announcer came on air.

       " Lady's and gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you instructions. We advise that you put your children to bed. Thank you. Further instructions are to be given soon, thank you."

      The children, obviously frightened, were hurried into their room and reassured by their mom.

    "There now what." She thought. Her question was soon answered.

       "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for giving your children to us."

     The mother was mortified. She ran into their room. They were all there. She was relieved. Suddenly she felt something warm engulf the bottom of her feet. She looked down. A red warm water was gathering around her. She looked in the direction of her children's beds. They were covered in red! She prued the sheets off of all of them. Each one had been sliced open and their hearts removed. She called the police but they don't come untill early the next morning. They were investigating the murder of children all across the town.

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