decaying daydreaming

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between the sleeping mist
of dreams and reality 
I am the child 
Lost near your precious existence 
We were so close for some inner reason 
Old friends old times good times 
Still I wanted to be much closer
Weird to imagine 
That life where you are here 
Going same ways same roads and highways 
Seeing places meeting people 
Spending the myriads of seconds 
Sleeping in one train bus car hotel 
It must have been so special 
But since that day 
Desire has grown into a huge huge hope 
Me in some comforting vibe between good pals knowing each other for centuries 
(I'm proud they've took me with them for those trips)
Still more exceptionally unique 
One of them is the radiant You 
What is to be some unsure youth
Beside your strength and beauty 
No less than feeling your kind smile
Your bright presence 
Your shining eyes in mine for instances of bliss 
There's no intention
No second thoughts 
Still I have frequent heartbeats 
Near your warmth
Still I have heavenly pleasure 
Hearing your voice 
Still I have joy listening to your stories
And late night hot flush 
Realizing you're so close 
The trip of life between lives 
It must be 
In which one late night 
Under the stars of a friendly talk 
I got too near 
Enough to cling to your chest 
for I couldn't talk 
for it was a numb confession 
So much beauty to hold 
So much manliness to touch 
So much warmth to dive into 
So much sense to be alive 
For it's the love for your withered slender lips that once were redder than a rose 
For it's the desire for your essence 
So hard and huge and light and gentle 
For it's the desire to step into your breathing life 
To be inside your time 
To be a liquid splitted over your skin 
My gentle 
My lovely 
My never close 
Never known 
Never ever reached 
There must be epic volumes of a long long poem each one for your every touch 
Discovering the taste of love and living life
But there's only me alone 
Imagining you 
In a fantasy slipping away 
More ethereal than any lovely dream 
I'm happy for the one's you chosen to be with 
I'm happy to think they can bring comfort
To every your desire and your thought
But I doubt if there's any sense left in my own existence 
For I'm so alone I doubt anyone knows me 
nobody needs to know I'm here 
Still much alive 
All for the sake of you 
And your sweet soul
And your sweet charm 
In hope to enter your time 
Once in a dream or afterlife 
In hope I can fulfill You 
(But it's too much of a dream)
To see your sight delighted in my eyes
To see your eyes reflecting life  
That takes me to another level 
That takes me with you on the ride of joy and glorious celebration 
minutes seconds hours dedicated to making love 
Thinking up rhymes 
Singing songs 
And staring at the skies 
The sunrise 
I love you somewhere in this world 
Never can appear 
the right place the right time 
only have hope to be a pleasure to your eyes once to be taken by your hand into your life 
(I don't have my own)
I'm a reflection of my own desires 
I'm a reflection of my dreams 
About being close to you 
Thats what makes sense here on earth
Nothing else does 
Nothing else matters if there's nothing to wait for 
But I'm not waiting 
I'm just decaying daydreaming 
So let me slightly inhale 
And believe I can fulfill you 
Fulfill everything you ever needed 
Everything you ever dreamt to feel 
Let me pretend I become something to you 
I come inside of your slender soul 
Just to kiss the scars 
And to be of some use 
With my weird youth 
It cannot vanish No 
Until I can imagine You  
to my Loves from previous dreams and recent sensations (D.A.) all love poems taste just the same.  So the dedication is unnecessary but...preferably given just in case the author has forgotten the name of the current Muse

Let me be cynical 
For a second 
Just to wipe off my night tears
And form the words together 
Into a lovely bunch of expressionless expressions

Let me be cynical For a second Just to wipe off my night tearsAnd form the words together Into a lovely bunch of expressionless expressions

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