Scene Sixteen

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three weeks had passed. i had not replied to Hal's initial letter which ultimately lead to him sending more. some shorts and emotionless, some long and heartbreaking. i began to wonder if he was ever going to let me forget. let me get over the feelings i wanted to bury deep, yet i could not possibly do so when he continually reminds me through his letters.

Dear Maria

You have not wrote back. I see that you do not want to hear from me anymore, for all I know you do not even read these letters, you may just throw them at the sight of my writing, I can understand why you would. A man like me does not deserve a woman like you.

I beg of you not as a friend, not as a lover, not as your king, only as a fellow human, to return to the palace next week. This is not for my satisfaction, if you would like I will ensure we never cross paths. It is Thomas' birthday, the young lad is turning just 7 years old, his wish is to see you. He misses you Maria, more than myself.

Please Maria, do not let my selfish actions prevent you from seeing Thomas. He was the source of our happiness for many years and now he is begging for your presence.

Yours Sincerely,

i realised that he now was not begging for my forgiveness, telling me he loves me, all what he had been doing previously. he was doing this for Thomas. i knew i had to do it for him, that little boy meant the world to me and i had missed him dearly.

"Alexander?" i whispered, walking into our room, he had been working all day. he trained soldiers for war, something he loved doing but hated when they left, he despised war. he wanted to give his boys the best chance out there upon the battle field, he always wanted to see them return and if they did not it hit him hard. "yes my love?" his husky voice sending shivers down my spine, "i am returning to the palace, i shall set off tomorrow morning to be there for the early afternoon," he nodded, "may i ask what for?" he never liked to intrude but i could see his worry. "i am visiting the young orphan boy Thomas, it is his birthday soon and he requested my presence," he smiled, "you truly do have the kindest heart," he pecked my cheek and enveloped me in his arms. "'tis' nothing compared to your own my love," i smiled with my words.

Alexander and i awoke and he helped me pack my clothing, i knew it would 3 nights there and we ensured i had back up dressed etc. after gathering all of the essentials i was told the carriage was ready to leave. hand in hand we walked down to our yard, "try not to miss me too much," i joked to which he smiled innocently, "that is not going to be very hard," he joked back, i pulled him into an embrace. "i love you Maria," he whispered into my ear, "i love you too Alexander," i kissed his soft lips. he helped me into the carriage and with a wave i was returning to the castle. i read my book for some of the journey and looked at the surrounding areas for the most. that is when i realised after all this time i was returning to the place i had once loved but now feared.

we pulled up in the same courtyard i had left just 6 months ago. not a thing had changed, nothing here ever really changed. i looked along the yard, the same one Hal and i used to run around and play childish games upon. my eyes averted to the great building, the building which i had spent my life in, the building that holds most of my memories. my eyes paused when they saw a figure watching through the window. i knew those curls from anywhere. he was watching, when he realised i caught him he quickly moved. i was pulled from my thoughts by arms tightly gripped around my lower half. "Thomas," i smiled looking down on the little boy. "i have missed you so much Maria," he nuzzled into my gown, i lifted him into my arms, "i have miss you too," i pecked his cheek lightly making him go red in the face. "i am so happy to see you again, Henry said that you were not friends anymore and that is why you did not come. i told him that he was silly and that you would always be friends, and you are here now so i am right," he looked proud. i placed him down and took his small hand, we walked into the large palace together, it was surreal to see him healthy and well here. despite my dislike for Henry, i could not have been prouder of him for taking this boy into his home.

"so what are we doing today?" i asked the boy as we stood in the main entrance. "well i wanted to go on a walk with you and Henry but he said that you did not like him, so we can not do things together," he frowned. i felt frustrated that he had told Thomas this, it made me look like a bad person. i got a maids attention and whispered, "please tell the king that i have requested his presence," she nodded and left. "Catherine and Jack have gone on a holiday, they said that they are going to see her father because he is ill," i could not help but smile, although very young he had the personality of an older man. my eyes moved to the told of the stairs where he stood watching with a smile. Henry. he walked down slowly and wiped the smile from his face. "Lady Humphries of Cambridge," he bowed his head, "King Henry V of England" i bowed my own. "why do people do that here? you did not do that before. you're Henry or Hal. you're Maria. i am Thomas. stop with these silly names," he pouted. Hal and i both let out a small chuckle.

i held one of Thomas' hands while Hal held the other. it reminded me old the good day in which we would take the boy around the village. before all of the complications. "so Thomas, are you excited for tomorrow?" i asked as we stopped at the usual place. my mother and fathers tree. "i think so, Henry is letting some of the other children from the Orphanage come and play in the yard," he always looked puzzled when speaking, it was adorable. i smiled at Henry for the kind gesture. we hadn't had a conversation without the focus being the boy, we were almost avoiding direct conversation. which i did not mind.

"i am just going to have a little nap on the blanket," Thomas said while patting his spot. i nodded and smiled and watched him drift into a nap. it was a warm day and the birds song relaxed me. i leaned against the tree, it was so tranquil. "he is quite the young chap isn't he," i turned to look at Hal staring at the boy with pride. "he looks really well, much more so than when he was in the orphanage. i am proud of you Hal, you are doing a good job," i showed him a genuine smile. "thank you for coming, he was so happy when he saw your carriage arrive," his gaze did not leave the sleeping boy. "i would do anything for him Hal, you know that," for the first time today we finally looked into each others eyes. his green orbs shone in the light of the sun, his curls effortlessly framing his face, his features so perfect in every way, the small scar from an arrow in battle, everything so perfect. "i just hope he does not turn out alike me, i want him to go through life with nothing but good," his face saddened. "Henry, even after everything, i think it would be amazing for Thomas to turn out anything like you. you are an amazing man who will do anything for his people, you hold such bravery and skill it amazes me to this day. although it is hard for you, you do love, i can see it in the way you look at him. you not all that bad Hal," i placed my hand upon his unintentionally. i did not realise until i felt shivers travel down my spine. he looked at our hands with wide eyes, my stomach was full with butterflies. i quickly moved it with an awkward smile. "it will be nightfall soon, we need to head back, he pulled Thomas up into his arms. i could tell he was deep in thought the whole way back. i was too.

we got back into the building and we both took Thomas too his room. upon opening it i could not take my eyes away from the space around me. it was perfect, Hal had really ensured that Thomas never felt unwanted again. "you know, i am trying to treat him just as your father treat me," he whispered with a smile as we walked out, "he would be honoured Hal," we walked down the halls. each step brought back a memory of my younger self in these great stone walls. "your room is still where it always has been, i made sure not to change a thing when you left," he stopped in his tracks. "i think i'm going to go for a walk around the grounds, care to join me?" i do not know why, but my hatred for Hal was not in my body at this moment, all i knew that the Hal from before the chaos. "i would love nothing more," he smiled widely.

the truest of loves // Timothee Chalamet The King fanfic Where stories live. Discover now