Scene Twenty Eight

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love has never been easy, nor has it been something we humans always just find, sometimes we have to search and fight just to feel, sometimes love is always there but the people are far to oblivious to even know, and sometimes people never find that love.

i had the luck of finding my love in my best friend, the only boy other than my father whom i ever really did love. the only boy who my heart ached for every living moment. when in his presence it was near impossible for me to not fall in love with him all over again. from being a girl with a small crush to marrying the man, you could say it was like a fairy tail. however no fairy tail has war, battle, heart wrenching loss, affairs, secrets, lies. no story was like mine. no story was like his. no story was like ours. my curly haired, green eyed, wide smiled boy.

Thomas had grown into a lovely and smart man, he fell into the profession of astronomy along side his younger sister Aurora. that's right, his sister, Hal and i had her only four years after leaving the English soil, Thomas adored the girl and wanted to protect her with his whole heart. Her curls and sweet green eyes were perfect alike Hal's and her intelligence was definitely alike my own. the two had the closest of bonds. our family had been perfect.

as i lay in the comfort of my bed and look to the sky through my window and i see him, in the stars, my Hal. it had only been weeks since his passing yet i felt like i was also slipping away, my life was dependent on his smile and now that it had gone, it was soon my time. i was no longer whole without him, he competed me, i knew that soon i would be with him again. the stars twinkled almost asking me to come, i whispered into the empty room filled with his memory "i will not be long my love, i promise," as a single tear fell from my aged eye. i slowly walked over to the same window he and i looked out of every night, the same window we had looked from the very first night here, below was the same small area he had proposed to me all those years back. i looked down and felt the memories flooding back, i could still hear his laugh and feel his soft touch on my skin. i could still feel him in every place i went, yet i could not see him. that's all i wanted to do, i just wanted to see my Hal. i knew he was waiting for me, somewhere.

as my fingers brushed the untouched side of the bed i could only dream he was there next to me. i could still smell him, still see his things, his discarded clothing he swore he would pick up from three weeks away, his pillow still indented from his sleeping head, the half read books he was eager to finish. the painting of our younger selves lay on the wall in front of me, i did not want to admit he was gone. not my best friend, not my husband, not my boy, i needed him.

i open the drawer beside our bed and read through the sweet letters of love we wrote to each other throughout our time. my fingers traced his writing, wishing for him to walk through the door and envelop me into his arms, that's all i had been waiting for for the weeks he had been gone. i still set the table for the two of us every morning, his food always went cold, he would have never let the happen. every noise i heard i thought it was him, i thought he was going to tell me it was all a joke, tell me he was still here. sweet summer memories ran through my mind, memories we shared together, memories that soon would be forgotten, not recorded by in the history books.

if anyone were to ever find out of our love i'm sure it would have been turned into a great play of romance and tragedy, i am sure people for years and years would read and weep at the pain we suffered together, i am sure the people would fall in love Hal just alike i did, i am sure the people would have wished for a smoother path for us, yet that would not be real and believe me this was all real.

i laid back and took a deep breath. i looked at the stars one more and could have sworn i felt him there with me, the hurt suddenly was gone, he was with me. i closed my eyes as one last tear trickled down my cheeks. "i am coming Hal," i whispered with my last breath.

bright light blocked my vision, until a hand reached up and touched my own. i knew that touch, it was my boy. "you're finally here," i heard him say, i shifted my eyes and was greeted by the young Hal with a bright smile, the one i had married all those years back. "i have been waiting for you," he pulled me into his arms and i finally felt his soft embrace again. i was back with my boy, my Hal. "i am here Hal," i whispered into his shoulder.

it was the end of my story, the end of his story, the end of our story.

gosh i don't know if i did it justice but just know i am beyond sad that this story is over. this is my first ever story i have completed and i am so warmed by all of you readers that comment, vote and read. you have all motivated me to keep writing this and not give up. knowing that people actually enjoy it amazes me. thank you all for being the sweetest🥺. this story holds a place in my heart and i am so sad to be giving it up. hopefully i may write another Hal fic in the future, but it will never feel the same as this. thank you so much and i love you all <3

also drop your instagrams in the comments and i will follow you all, we can talk or something because i am a rather lonely person hehe.

the truest of loves // Timothee Chalamet The King fanfic Where stories live. Discover now