Chapter 11

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The next day, Aiden bawled his eyes the moment he saw me. It took me a while to get a gist of what he was trying to say between his sobs. I couldn't help but find it cute how he acts towards me. He has gotten close to me in a short period of time that he cried because he's leaving me behind.

But I would be lying if I didn't felt slight sadness from his news. By tomorrow he'll be going away to another country for a training camp which is for elite male nobles. And according to the golden prince, the camp will last for three years.

In order for him to cheer up, I gave him my uncolored drawing where we both lay on the grass sleeping. Like magic, he was smiling before he left.

My days went back to normal that I unknowingly sometimes was expecting for the little prince to show up.

"Haisley," I called while staring at my reflection on the water. The mixed scent of clary sage and orange oil in the tub made my tension melt away. I've been stressing out since this morning.

"Yes, your highness?" She asked with a soft voice as she massages my scalp.

"Should I become a robber in the future?"

Another problem I couldn't solve. If I ever escape this place and change my identity, what will I become? A commoner that does what? The only thing that I did on the land of mortals was blessed the people under the name of the Goddess of Light and assist in wars. Now that I no longer possess magic I'm just an ordinary person.

"Y-your hi-highness?! What do you mean?!?!"

Perhaps I could open a business since I can cook but I didn't have money to begin with nor I don't know where to find the money for the expenses since I am an abandoned child of the king. There would be no treasures for me.

I quickly stood up with my naked butt. "I'll enter the convent and become a nun!"

That's right!

Finding a place to stay and food to eat just to survive my everyday life will no longer a problem.

"A lifelong commitment will be easy," I said to myself. Since I had been working for Goddess Cianna for more than a hundred years, I won't have any trouble. Giving charity will be a piece of cake and as long as I have food and shelter I'll survive.

Now that I think about it the excessive amount of curse that my mouth could spit quickly drop. Was it because I haven't spoken much?

If that's the case it's good news.

"Hear me out, princess," Haisley begged after I unintentionally ignored her.

Turning around to look at her I said, "Sorry I was thinking. You were saying?"

She cast a distress pale look towards me. "You can't be a robber or a nun, princess." I tilted my head in question. "Well. . The king will betroth you before your coming of age. In your 14th birthday."

My heart dropped. My plans crumbled like paper.

I forgot that the Abandoned Princess was engaged with some young duke in the story. "Fuck me."


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