Chapter 46

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From a different perspective, we looked like playing, the brother and the sister were getting along having fun around the large palace.

My weeks passed by peacefully at the Moon Palace. The lessons were temporarily stopped due to my health. One thing was bothering me these past few weeks, it was too peaceful. It's like calm before the storm feeling I've been getting at. None of the father and brother had made an appearance until now.

Now, I just realized that Aiden was avoiding me all this time. It happened this morning when I decided to go visits the mute boy who I was in debt with. We bumped into each other, that brother of mine, just outside the Emerald Palace. A flashed of panic was visible on his eyes before running inside like I got some sort of infectious disease.

I postponed my visit after seeing Aiden's exhausted face and sickly complexion. It bothers me a lot. And so, my manhunt began. I searched for him, high and low, and when I finally found him, he yelled at me while getting away from my reach.

"Don't! Don't come near me!"

What in the heaven's name was that all about?!

My brain deciphers his words as quickly as possible before I could lose him again. Locating him took me a while that I even missed my lunch, I am not going to let him escape after finding him.

I have zero ideas why he's been acting like that, but what I concluded that if I let this go I'll be in big trouble. If this continues then the relationship I have with Aiden will proceed to the original story flow where there's a large gap between us. In short, Aiden won't save me from my execution and just watched me die.

It's a simple logic. An angry Aiden is a dead Elaine.

Few people warned us not to run in the hallway and out towards the palace garden, while some watch us with a smile. They must have thought that we were merely playing around.

I was not enjoying this play of catch. Throughout my life as a mortal, I grew up as a delicate fragile girl. Exerting an amount of strength my stamina quickly dropped.

Wheezing I came to a stop. I regret living the life of a couch potato person, I felt like dying with my burning thighs.

"Sister?" Aiden came back checking my poor condition with a worried look. "Are you alright?"

Under the harsh sun, I coughed in reply. Why did we have to run around outside?

"You shouldn't have followed me."

"If. . If I didn't then," I jumped over him making us fall to the ground, "I wouldn't catch you."

Seated on top of him I placed both of my hands on the grassy ground beside his head, pinning him down.

. . . So hot.

I'm not pertaining to the ten years old boy below me but the weather.

It was so hot. It's summer indeed.

Looking at him he was also out of breath. Dark lines under his eyes from lack of sleep.

"I'm sorry."

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