Chapter 9

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Third POV

King Gristle was sitting at his throne with sadness.

"Oh, Barnabus. You're my only friend in this whole miserable world." King Gristle says to his pet.

Barnabus just rolls his eyes.

"Dad was right. I never ever, never, ever, never be happy. Never." King Gristle says.

"Never... say... never." A voice says as from inside the throne room.

A few seconds past, and the Bergen that invaded Troll Village, named Chef, comes out from behind a bush.

King Gristle was surprised to see Chef inside the castle.

"Chef, where did you come from? My father banished you 20 years ago. Have you been standing behind that plant this whole time?" King Gristle asks Chef in confusion.

"If only, sire. No. I've been out in the wilderness thinking of nothing but how I let you down. If only there was some way I could make you feel better." Chef says to King Gristle.

"Well, fat chance! The only way I'll ever be happy is by eating a Troll and that ain't gonna happen thanks to you." King Gristle says a little angry.

"But it just might. Thanks to me" Chef says before opening her fanny pack to reveal the Trolls that she took.

Gristle gasps in surprise.

"You found the Trolls. So this means I might actually get to be happy!" King Gristle says still shocked.

"That's right." Chef says.

The Trolls were shaking in fear inside the fanny pack.

"Of course, everyone else in Bergen Town will still be miserable. But that's not your concern." Chef says.

"I am their king, so maybe it kinda is." King Gristle responds to Chef.

"What exactly are you proposing? Bringing back Trollstice? For everyone?" Chef asks as she walks up to the throne.

"Yes! That's exactly what I'm proposing." King Gristle says with excitement.

"Great idea, sire. Absolutely brilliant. Aren't you smart?" Chef says to King Gristle.

"I guess I am." King Gristle says.

And I, your loyal Chef, will be right behind you. Holding a knife." Chef says the last sentence quietly.

"What's that?" King Gristle asks, not hearing the last part.

"Holding a knife, a spoon, a ladle. I am your chef, after all!" Chef says to King Gristle.

"Yeah, you sure are!" King Gristle says happily.

Chef enters kitchen with an evil smirk on her face.

"I'm back!" Chef says to herself.

Chef turns around to face the maid. "You, scullery maid, what's your name?" Chef asks her.

"Bridget." The maid, known as Bridget, answers.

"Congratulations, Idget. You work for me now. So you take those dishes downstairs and you start scrubbing." Chef tells Bridget.

"Yes, Chef. Thank you, Chef." Bridget says before taking the dirty dishes downstairs.

Chef puts the Trolls into a cage. The Trolls were scared right now.

Biggie was trying to calm down his pet glow worm, named Mr. Dinkles. "Don't cry, Mr. Dinkles. Guys, Mr. Dinkles is really freaking out!" He says to the others.

Mr. Dinkles, showing no sign of fear, just squeaks in response.

"Whoa, whoa! Everyone, we must all remain calm." Creek says to everyone.

"That's right. A calm Troll is a tasty Troll. And you are a key ingredient in my recipe for success. You see, he who controls the Trolls controls the kingdom. And I... I am that 'he'!" Chef says to the Trolls.

"You're a dude?" Cooper asks in confusion.

Chef sighs before cutting up a lemon and squirting the lemon juice into Cooper's eyes.

Cooper screams in pain after that.

"By this time tomorrow, I'll be queen. And all of Bergen Town will get exactly what they deserve. True happiness!" Chef says.

Chef then does an evil laugh.

Trolls (OC insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora