Part 1: Something About Blue Eyes

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This story is undergoing editing as it is soon to be published. It may have typos as it is unedited. I shall edit soon and keep it on Wattpad until I publish it, after which you can read it after paying a very affordable amount. Thank you fabulous readers! ☺

Brianna's POV

*Board meeting at 9:00 am.*

I sighed. Another board meeting. Was it necessary? Absolutely. Burke Hotels and Construction was going down a steep slope and was looking at a hostile takeover. Well, it would be hostile only if the board members stopped being stubborn. They were going to come to a decision in the board meeting.

I closed the e-mail conversation and went ahead to check the next e-mail. It was my friend and colleague, Chloe.

*Business lunch at 2:30 pm.

Restaurant: Italia*

Great. There went my lunch date with my best friend, David. He always said, "Bree, you work too much for a job you don't like. Let your hair down sometimes and follow your passion."

We had been roommates since college. Although, we'd been best friends for way too long before that. He was going to keep whining about me canceling our lunch together and never let me hear the end of it.

He was right though. The job had done nothing but hold me back. I had studied business in Harvard. I wanted to run my own line of businesses and not just be an assistant. I had turned my internship into a job I'd never wanted. It gave me money, sure, but it didn't do anything for me. My resignation for the job was long overdue and maybe the takeover was my cue to start a business venture. David was right and I owed it to myself.

The resignation letter wrote itself. It wasn't a hard thing to do because I had it ready in my mind for a year. Yes, I wasn't kidding when I said long overdue. I took a printout and placed it in a crisp white envelope. For the first time in a long time, I was eager to go to work.

After spending a good 20 minutes in the shower and singing the choruses of a few songs, I got out and wore a black pencil fit skirt and a white blouse to go with it. Boy, was I in a cheery mood. I'd just washed my hair and to avoid a stubborn frizz, I dried my dark brown hair immediately.

It was 7:30 am, which meant I still had time before the meeting. Just to look presentable enough, I put on some mild make up. I never liked overdoing my appearance at work. Looking at my reflection in the mirror and feeling satisfied with my look, I went on and wore black heels that weren't too high. Being 5 feet seven inches tall, high heels would just make me tower above people, making me uncomfortable.

I made my way to the living room. David wasn't home yet and I checked my phone. There were no texts from him.

Maybe I should call him after breakfast and find out.

I went to the kitchen and took a cereal box from the shelf. A little yellow sticky note stared at me from shelf door. David always left such notes for me. He was just that sticky notes over a text kind of guy.

Hey Bree,
I'm going to be out all night. Ron got engaged so we are going to a club. I didn't want to wake you. So see ya later, babe.
- David

So even he couldn't make it for lunch. Ugh, I hated it when he didn't come home on time. He wasn't my boyfriend, but he was more like a brother. I missed him in the mornings because he just was the best cook and with him partying all night, I was left with the non-tempting choice of a bowl of cereal. But I could always grab a delicious lunch after I hand in my resignation.

Oh, the freedom!

I ate the ever boring cereal and took a cab to work. I was hoping to buy a car when I would get a little time off my busy schedule. It would set me back on the pocket, but it would be a lot more convenient.

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