Chapter Four

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The next day, I go to the park and sit on a bench to wait for Tenko. For some reason I'm... nervous? I feel all sweaty and clammy, and I keep glancing around and anxiously looking for her. I'm wearing a kimono from when I was super little, back when my mom was still around. I'm surprised it still fits me, although it makes sense since I've been the same height since 5th grade.

It's pink with sakura flowers on it, and I actually quite like it, although I haven't used it in the longest time. I notice a girl sitting on the empty playground, wearing a purple kimono. I recognize that blonde bob of hair- it's Kaede! I freeze up. What should I do? She's looking away from me, but what if she notices me?

What is she doing? She's wiping her face with the sleeve of her kimono, and I hear this soft sort of whimpering noise. She's crying...? Suddenly I feel hands cover my eyes, and I cover my chest as a reflex.

"Huh??" I squeak, kind of scared.

"Guess whooo?" A bubbly voice says, and I immediately know who.

"Tenko!" She takes her hands off of me and I stand up and spin around.

She's wearing a green kimono, made of shimmery fabric that has vines and leaves on it. Her hair is loose, waist length and curled at the ends. She's wearing eyeliner and has on pink lipstick. She looks... gorgeous. Her soft green eyes seem even more accentuated with the green of her kimono. I feel even more nervous now.

"Ready to go to the festival?" She asks. I nod quickly, too choked up to say anything. I feel strangely hot and I have to keep wiping my palms on my kimono.

"Hinamatsuri is my favorite holiday because no guys are around, haha!" She giggles and takes my hand in hers.

"Woah, Himiko, your face is super red! Are you feeling alright?" She asks worriedly, and tilts her head like she always does when asking a question.

"Yes... It's just a bit hot, that's all."

"Oh, yeah, totally." We start walking towards the central square, still holding hands.

"Ah... you look, um, really pretty tonight, Tenko." I stammer out, turning my head so she won't see my blush.

"Th-thank you! You look really pretty as well!" She says. I look up at her and notice that her cheeks are red as well, and she's looking away.

Wait. We're both blushing right now, and we're holding hands, and Tenko got sad when I said we were friends. We're also going to the Hinamatsuri festival together and not with any other friends or our families.

"Are-are we on a date?!" I say, astonished. ...Did I say that out loud?

Tenko nervously scratches the back of her head.

"Man, Himiko. You don't take cues well, huh?"

"No... not at- not at all." I say, incredibly embarrassed. I'm still too nervous to look at her. She takes her hand away.

I feel terrible. I didn't know that Tenko liked me... like that.

But the real question I'm wondering is... do I like her back?

As we walk, I think about all the times I've spent with Tenko till now. Kind, caring Tenko who carried me to her house when I almost passed out. Tenko who gave me her sakura mochi and walks me to class every day. Tenko, with her soft eyes and her great hugs and protective character. Tenko, ranting about annoying boys while we sit together and do face masks in her room. Tenko. Tenko. Tenko.

"Tenko...? I murmur quietly. I look over to her, and I notice how even though we're walking about a foot apart from each other, she looks a thousand miles away. Her brow is furrowed and she's staring sadly into the distance.

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