Chapter Seven

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It's been three weeks since my freak-out at Tenko's house, and it feels like the calm before a storm. Still no sign from Kaito, and the deadline for turning in Danganronpa applications is looming in the distance. Only a month for me to make my decision.

I've been getting sick really often, not so much I can't go to school, but just nausea and throwing up in the mornings. My head has been constantly pounding too. I'm not too concerned, it's probably just because I'm stressed about all this.

I'm at lunch alone, as Tenko's home sick and the lunch table I usually ate at was still dispersed.

"Himiko!" A voice shouts behind me. It's Kokichi, with a panicked expression on his face.

"Whats up?" I ask, standing up to meet his eye level. We're the same height, so I can see pretty well how awful he looks- pale skin, eyebags, and messy hair being evidence of several sleepless nights.

"Shuichi isn't at school today, and when I called his mom she said she thought he was staying with me." My heart skips a beat. No... that couldn't mean...?

"Was he acting strange?" I ask.

"I don't know, he hasn't been talking to me since the meeting we had with Amami." He's hyperventilating.

"Calm down. We can't do anything if you're freaking out." He nods quickly and puts his hands behind his head, trying to steady his breaths.

"Why don't we go to his house and look for evidence in his room? Maybe he didn't go to Danganronpa Studios yet, and we can find him."

"Okay. Let's do that." We sneak out a back exit of the school and run in the direction of Shuichi's house.

Now that I think about it, Gonta, Miu, and Kaede have also been missing from school. I've seen Keebo around, but that's about it. I freeze midstep and stumble.

Tenko. She was totally fine yesterday- but what if her mom had set her off or something and she did the unthinkable..?

"Himiko, cmon, we have to hurry." Kokichi gestures towards Shuichi's house which is only a block away now.

Shit, I would go and see if Tenko's okay, but I promised Kokichi I would help him. I glance rapidly between the Kokichi and the direction of Tenko's house. Kokichi's panicked purple eyes meet mine, and I can tell he understands.

"You're worried about Tenko?"

"Mhm..." He sighs.

"I'm sure you are, so you can call her using my phone when we get to Shuichi's. You can make sure she's okay while we search for clues." That sounds fine, Tenko always has her phone on her so she should pick up.

"Okay, let's go." Reaching Shuichi's house only takes a minute, and luckily the house key is under the welcome mat.

"Hello?" Kokichi says into the house. No response. His parents must be at work.

"Here's my phone. Let's go to his room." I go to Tenko's contact in his phone as we walk upstairs.

"Pick up... please pick up..." I murmur as it rings.

"Hello?" It's Tenko's voice. I sigh in relief.

"Hey, it's Himiko."

"Ooh, hi Himiko!" There's a sound like she just kissed the speaker. I giggle, and start rummaging through Shuichi's drawers.

"Kokichi and I are at Shuichi's house right now. Shuichi is missing, and Kokichi thinks that he might have taken up on the offer to be in Danganronpa V3." Tenko gasps.

"No, really? That's terrible... is there anyway I can help?"

"Just stay home and get better. We can handle this for now." Kokichi gestures me over with a piece of paper in his hand.

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