Chapter 4

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A day had passed since I had the conversation with Rantaro in the courtyard. It was now the next morning, and I had finally decided on a plan of action. Rantaro long had admitted that acting up against the group would cause for a lot of targets to be put on me, so we both came to the conclusion that the only choice was to blend in.

Yes, I was going to pretend I enjoyed this killing game.

When Rantaro proposed the plan to me, I thought he was crazy. If anything that would just let the others go on with their bloodlust. But I couldn't die and leave Rantaro to solve this issue on his own, I had to help him.

Which is how I ended up in the middle of the dining hall, announcing to everyone that I was sorry for my outburst from the night before last night.

"Oh Kaede it's okay, honestly it's only understandable that you'd be the most shocked out of all of us." Tsumugi attempted to console me.

"Yeah! We're still friends!" Kaito gave me a thumbs up, "Rivals, but friends nonetheless!"

"I'm so glad," I heard Shuichi say to me, "I was so worried you wouldn't talk to us anymore. I really enjoy being your friend Kaede.... and being in this killing game with people I get along with is just amazing."

"Yeah!" I lied, bile rising in my throat. "Let's make this game a good one." As I said those words, my eyes floated towards where Rantaro was sitting. He gave me a small nod of reassurance, as if to say that my act was fine.

"Speaking of making this game a good one!" A voice shouted from elsewhere. "I have a surprise for you!"

The voice revealed itself to be Monokuma, much to no one's surprise.

"Oh? I love surprises!" Maki claps, "And any surprise from Danganronpa has got to be a good one!"

I blinked, was this really the same girl from before. The personality change had been astronomical. At least her personality was finally fit for the Ultimate Child Caregiver.

"Well then your gonna love this one! It's a new motive!" Monokuma announced.

I inwardly gasped, I had held on to the hope that if there were no motives no one would kill, and at the very least buy me some time to find out who the mastermind was. But I was curious, why do we need a motive now? I mean all— or at least most of us want to win the killing game now.

"If you don't mind me asking but why do we need a motive now? I mean we all are perfectly content with trying to kill one another." Rantaro asked, voicing my own questions. In my head I wondered if it was a smart move for him to question Monokuma like that, we both have to be careful not to put targets on our backs.

"Well... the motives I would have given you had you guys not realized the truth, were meant to promote the desire to escape..." Monokuma grinned evilly with his next statement. "But these motives are special. They put some pressure on you guys, while also becoming a handicap for some, and an advantage for others."

"So what is this motive?" Himiko asked.

"Why, I thought you'd never ask!" Monokuma cheerfully shouted, "So I hope you all had a good nights sleep the past two nights. Because from now on sleeping is forbidden! If you are to sleep anywhere it will result in your immediate death. And that is definitely not fun." 

I immediately knew that I was done for. My own thoughts plagued my recent nights, making it near impossible to sleep. While I got some, it was definitely not going to last me.

"Also if someone dies from sleeping, there will be no class trial. However the motive will continue until I get a murder. Oh and for you Keebo you are not allowed to charge yourself back up otherwise you die."

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