Chapter 7

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I was in my dorm room bathroom, washing my face with the coldest water that I could get. The effects of not being able to sleep were wearing down on me. In order to not fall asleep I paced around in my room, thinking back to the events that occurred in the Dining hall.

"I want to leave a mark in the history of the killing games!"

Nonetheless, Kokichi's motive confused all of you.

"So... you want to be famous?" Ryoma asked.

Kokichi wiggled his finger, "No no. Something more than just simple fame! I want to make it so that... if you ever think of the show 'Danganronpa' you automatically remember me!"

Gonta rolled his eyes, "So fame."

Kokichi continued to insist that what he wanted was 'something beyond fame'. Maki and Shuichi seemed to understand a little bit of what the Ultimate Supreme Leader was saying, but Kokichi's own motive remained mysterious. I myself was curious as to how he planned to accomplish that.

You all ended up returning to your dorm rooms soon after that. There was a bit discussion, but almost everyone was feeling tired. Although... I wasn't sure if splitting up was the best idea to ensure nobody died.

How...long will we have to go on like this?

I felt your eyelids closing again, and you forced them back open. You were starting to break. Hurry up! Someone just kill someone already. This first thought continued prompting other... more dangerous thoughts.

Should I just kill someone? I'm going to die anyway, so let me give it my all.

I screamed at myself the second I was aware of what I had just contemplated. I couldn't let myself... be destroyed by this despair. I quickly changed out of my pajamas and headed straight for Rantaro's room.

I hesitated briefly before knocking on Rantaro's dorm. Earlier as Rantaro talked about his motive, I saw his eyes glimmer at the prospect of travelling around the world. Perhaps... he just thinks I'm an easy target. I shook my head, I couldn't afford to doubt my only ally in this place. So I lightly knocked on his door. And so I waited.

When I didn't get a response, I knocked harder. Fear was beginning to overtake me. He didn't fall asleep did he?!

"Rantaro!" I shouted, tears beginning to fill my eyes, "Open up please!" I pressed my ear close to the door attempting to hear any movement. However our rooms were pretty sound proof.

"Hmm... that's a sight." Kokichi's voice mumbled from behind me. "Our fearless leader getting all worked up?"

I spun around immediately, "Rantaro's not responding! What if he—"

"Died?" Kokichi said, finished my sentence. "That's his own fault then. Boohoo! Poor Avocado, couldn't resist the urge to sleep!"

I was about to shout a Kokichi, when Rantaro's door swung open, "Hey, I'm not dead yet." 

I let out a sigh of relief, "Ah...jeez! Don't scare me like that!" 

"I was taking shower to keep myself awake, I guess you couldn't hear me respond." 

Kokichi looked down in mock disappointment, "Aw.... I was so exciting to show of my hidden talent too!" 

I tilted my head, "Hidden talent?" 

"Uh-huh!" Kokichi nodded his head up and down quickly, "Oh well! It's too bad! Well I'm just going to go to my dorm room now!"

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