epilogue: outline

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(Kitty's Note pre-outline: ... This isn't even the stuff outlining the first half of this book.) 

To Be Luminous [Outline]

Extended Summary

Percy and Annabeth go to Macedon. While there, Nyx attacked and cursed Annabeth with by a horrible illness that shut down each of her organs, one by one. This, in turn, started Percy on a downward spiral that made him nearly botch up the treaties since he and the other Perseus don't like each other. However, the peace treaty is created and Percy and Annabeth head on over to Athens.

At Athens, things only go from bad to worse when Annabeth and her father get into an argument, Percy realizes that his mother was born in Rome, Reyna and Leo totally hit off, and a Cyclops attacks Annabeth. After that, Riptide "chooses" Percy when he finds out Chiron did not die, and Annabeth and her father have a confrontation. So, they decide to leave.

When they get back to Rome, people are starting to drop dead so Percy and everyone who can read start researching through the books to figure it out. Nico finds out that Annabeth has cancer and the gods stop communicating. They don't figure out the cure though. Jason dies and Erebos is born, which results in them fleeing to Tarentum.

There is a battle, where Percy and Octavius face off and Percy gets so mad that he nearly kills Octavius. When he realizes what happened, he completely panics and runs away because that wasn't supposed to happen. Annabeth is furious with him, but she understands what he's going through so she doesn't blame him.

During the journey, Percy eventually straightens out his problems while realizing that Rome needs him. Annabeth starts to gather troops. After the journey, Percy manages to join up with everyone else and they storm the palace. Most of the troops thought he was gathering allies actually.

Detailed Plans

Percy and Annabeth go to Macedon. While there, Nyx attacked and cursed Annabeth with by a horrible illness that shut down each of her organs, one by one. This, in turn, started Percy on a downward spiral that made him nearly botch up the treaties since he and the other Perseus don't like each other. However, the peace treaty is created

They go to Macedon for renewing the peace treaty after a short war since Octavius is a bit over paranoid (which is a good thing). Percy and Perseus don't get along well, at all, but Percy manages to hold his temper in check. Though he nearly lost it when the other Perseus insulted Annabeth—and made faces. Annabeth's like, "Percy, you can't botch this up. If he tries anything, I'll just knee him. I'll be fine." She's worried though, even if she won't admit it.

While she's in the library, researching the Protogenoi and monsters, Aphrodite appears and tries to warn Annabeth, but Nyx knocks her out and traps Annabeth in Eris' chaos thing of doom. They have an argument, and Nyx decides that Annabeth is too smart, so she curses her with some type of cancer that shuts down each and every one of her organs, one by one. The order her organs shut down is:

Percy is the one to find her, and he's understandably panicked. Compounded to that though, is that she is in the same position that Rachel was in when she died, which makes it even worse for him. A doctor manages to find him and save Annabeth's life temporarily though, so all's good for the moment.

He has to go back to finish the peace talks though, even though what he really wants is to stay by Annabeth's side. Perseus somehow senses that, so he pushes at his buttons constantly and Percy just snaps when he implies that Octavius married his sister (which is true).

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