part vi.

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My fingers tap on the top of the bus seat in front of me

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My fingers tap on the top of the bus seat in front of me. They act as if they're playing the keys of a piano in unison to the music drifting in through my earphones. I'm gonna need to invest in some Airpods soon because every student in Briarwood had a pair and I was too much of a pussy to whip out mine that had the strings attached. 

I can't help but smile at the memory of playing the grand piano with Auggie and Quinn in the music room this morning. I tried to teach Auggie how to play which was a complete shitshow but it was clear he was trying his damn best to learn. It was so adorable.

Quinn also warmed to me—but only slightly. He still uses facts and interesting knowledge as if he thought it would impress me or at least make me awe at him in some type of way. It did the complete opposite actually. By which I mean I replied with sarcastic comments or roasted the hell out of him. 

My dumbass couldn't even understand half the shit he was saying let alone be impressed by it. 

After they dropped me off at me fourth period class I didn't see them for the rest of the day. I didn't see much of Sebastian either except for once in the hall when he smiled at me and, while completely flustered, I ran face first into someone's backpack. 

I don't feel shame anymore. When you live in a perpetual state of it like me, you just become numb to the sensation. 

I also didn't see Scott either but that's mainly because I was purposely avoiding him. It was my first day at school and I really didn't want to ruin it by getting murdered. If he can hold out until around the time of Finals that would be just grand. 

My lunchtime was spent in the music room, like every other lunch was like in my old school. The head of the music department was nice enough to give me a key to the doors and allowed me to use it whenever I wanted. 

Mr O'Flanagan was a sweet old man and I learnt that he was actually the one who talked to the Dean about giving me a scholarship. He had seen me play at one of my recitals and really wanted to teach me or at least have me in his band, orchestra and as a soloist for the school. 

Auggie was texting me all lunchtime while eagerly asking me to go get food with him. I informed him that I was busy and he responded with a tidal wave of sad-face emojis. It felt nice to have someone care about me—especially someone like Augustus Fitzwilliam. 

The amount of girls in my English and Physics classes that were talking non-stop about him almost had me leaping  from the third floor window. Apparently, Auggie was quite the flirt among the female students of Briarwood yet not as flirtatious as Sebastian. I doubt even winged Cupid could beat him. 

I didn't have many friends in my old highschool because most people were intimidated by my talent or it was because I spent every lunchtime and free period I had practicing in the music room. Music was and still is my life. 

It felt a little weird to have my talent praised in the genuine way Auggie does. Usually, my talents receive overbearing compliments with sneaky, ulterior motives. But that's not to mean I didn't like Auggie's kind words and soft smiles when he watched me play. It was just overwhelming and surprising, that's all. 

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