part ix.

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Somehow, Auggie managed to get everyone to stay

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Somehow, Auggie managed to get everyone to stay. It was as if he had some superpower because now we were all sitting in the living room, in complete silence. Seb, Auggie and I were on the sofa while Quinn and Scott were on the armchair. 

I could hear the cars and some chatter from the road as well as a ticking clock from somewhere in the house. 

Glancing around the room, I hesitantly watch everyone. Quinn was back to reading his book for 46th time apparently, Scott was staring deeply at the black fireplace while Sebastian was just looking at his lap and Auggie was smiling brightly. 

For the second time this week, we were all locked in a room together. 

Well, metaphorically locked and Augustus was the guard and prisoner all in one. 

"Okay!" Auggie exclaims suddenly as he pats his thighs and rises to his feet, "I'm going to start on dinner. Who wants to help?" 

"I will!" The four of us all shouts suddenly in unison and I noticed we had all stood up. We all stare at each other in silence, just waiting for someone to back down. No one moved. 

Auggie then claps his hands excitedly, "Ooh, yay! The more helping ands the merrier. Into the kitchen my slaves." 

He saunters out of the room, leaving the rest of us still standing there in silence. Sebastian was the first to move as he walks past me and follows after Auggie. Eventually, the three of us left in the living room follow as well. 

"So on the menu tonight we have brown butter scallops on creamy parmesan risotto."  Auggie says as we all enter the kitchen. It was a huge, traditional kitchen with white cabinets and white marble countertops. There was a huge island block in the middle of the room which was surrounded by a couple dark wooden bar stools. 

"Don't you guys have chefs that cook your food for you?" I question as glance behind me to see Quinn giving me a small shrug and Scott was leant against the door frame with his arms crossed against his broad chest. "Or is that just a thing in the movies?" 

"Well I usually do." Sebastian answers with a small smile from where he stood across the kitchen. 

"I enjoy cooking. It's just something I've always liked doing but mother often makes the family chef cook for me." Auggie explains from where he taps his fingers along the marble countertop, "My parents and sister are entertaining guests at our summerhouse tonight and I gave the rest of our workers the night off." 

I snort, "How kind." 

"Thank you." Auggie grins at me and I can't help but smile at his adorableness. I gaze around the impressive kitchen as Auggie continues, "And since we're the only ones here, I need two of you to go grab some ingredients. I nominate Sebastian and Quinn." 

"That's fine. But..I...uh..." Sebastian says awkwardly as his eyes lock with mine. I knew what he was thinking and I give him a supportive smile. He needed to start setting boundaries with his extensive wealth. Even though he's rich it doesn't mean he needs to be taken advantage of it. He returns the smile and says a little clearer,  "I don't want to pay for the ingredients since you invited us here in the first place." 

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