Ch. 22: Caught in a Lie

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Ch. 22 - Caught in a lie

~Zach POV~

"Hey baby, how was your day? Did you have a good practice?" Christy asked me as I walked in the door. That's weird. She never asks me about baseball. The only reason she even goes to my games is because she likes to stare at all the guys in their baseball pants. I'm not an idiot; I know she checks them all out. I know how she is, but she's mine and all the guys know it, so I guess it doesn't bother me that much.

I looked at her, "Fine?" Well, that wasn't supposed to sound like a question, but too late now.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" She pouted at me and walked closer and ran her fingernail down my chest.

I grabbed her hand and stopped it from going further. "Nope. All went fine; you just threw me off with the question was all."

"I'm just trying to be a good future wife and ask how your day went, is that so bad?" She snatched her hand out of my grip. "Fine. I won't ever ask you that again."

I rolled my eyes. Guess someone is moody today. "That's not what I meant and you know it. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go take a shower and change."

"Of course I don't mind. You're all sweaty and gross." She winked at me.

There was nothing to do or say to that, so I just shook my head, kissed her on the cheek, and walked towards the room to take a shower. It was hot out there today. I just want to get under the cold water and get refreshed.

Just as I stepped out of the shower, and wrapped the towel around my waist, Christy peaked her head in. "Dang! I was so close!"

"What do you want?" I sighed. I wasn't in the mood for this right now. Lately she's been doing everything she knows I hate even more than she used to.

She frowned at me. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out on a date." She gave me a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Fine." I sighed. "Let me get dressed and we'll go out."

"What's wrong, now? I thought you'd be happy to go on a date with your fiancé."

"I am." I said and walked past her. "It's just that you know I hate when you do things like this. I'm not going there before the wedding. I don't know how many times I have to tell you. I've made mistakes in the past and I'm not going to sleep with you or do anything until our wedding. The more you push, the more aggravating it gets."

"Alright. I'm sorry." She said and plopped onto the bed. "Are you sure something else isn't bothering you?"

Wow. This is the first time she has ever sounded genuinely concerned about something other than herself. Yeah, okay, I know what that makes me sound like that I'm marrying someone that shallow, but it's not as it seems. Not always, anyway. I sighed. I've been thinking about it all day. I sat down on the bed beside her and stared at the floor. "It's just that I haven't seen Cam in a few weeks. Every time I try to get a hold of Kelsey, she never answers. I just want to see my son."

The last time I saw Cam was a few weeks ago. It's like after he wanted to go home, he never wanted to come back. All I keep thinking to myself is, did I do something wrong that night? I mean, sure I'm still getting used to having a kid, but I thought I was doing an okay job at being his dad. It'll take time before I get the true hang of it. I thought we were having a good time and could still hang out at least for a day, even if he didn't stay at the house overnight.

Christy reached over and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry. But see, this is why I was trying to tell you it was a bad idea to get involved with him. Especially with him being the age he is, kids always change their minds about what they want."

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