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I woke up feeling like I was falling again, and I was worried that everything would be back to normal, but then I felt arms around me and the warmth of my supposed boyfriend next to me.

I quietly and gently shuffled out of his hold, letting him sleep and grabbing my phone to many more text messages now. I guess these were my friends, so I might as well text them.

hey, wanna film together this week?

busy currently, but definitely sometime soon

I replied without thinking. I went through our previous texts. There wasn't much to see though. He was clearly a YouTuber, and seemed to be a friend of mine, but I had no idea who he was.

I saw another text from Ted as well

miki if you don't answer the world might end

let it end then.

I continued through all my messages like this, pretending I knew exactly what was going on. I also went through Twitter, responding to some of my "friend's" tweets. I laughed as I read a particularly funny tweet from Charlie.

"Hey, if you're laughing at someone online, it better be me," Schlatt said from the floor. I laughed in response.

"Morning, Schlatt," I said as he rolled over and started to stand up.

"Morning." He walked over to me and grabbed my face in his hands. For a second time stopped. I wanted this to work out, even though I barely knew him, so I decided to let him kiss me.

He pulled my face closer and gave me a quick kiss. He pulled away with a smile  but I couldn't help but notice how much nothing I felt. I brushed it off and smiled back.

"We're heading home today," he stated sadly.

"Already?" I asked. He looked at me quizzically.

"You're the one who said you didn't want to sleep on the ground for more than one night," he said. That sounded like something I would say.

"I know," I spat out quickly, "just didn't think it would go by so fast." I stumbled over my words.

We spent the most of our last day doing "normal camping stuff", and when it was time to leave I was thankful, because camping was boring. I spent most of energy on trying to figure out Schlatt and trying to see if I could fall for him.

We drove back the same way we came, naturally coming up to the subject of our jobs.

"Oh, I'm filming with SMii... seven-Y this week?" It came out more as a question, and I had to glance at my texts to remember the name.

"Smitty?" Schlatt asked. He sounded angry. "Why are you filming with him?"

"He just asked me to, so I agreed." I didn't know what to say.

"Do I have to remind you what he did?" I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't. I said nothing and thankfully he continued. "He tried to take you away from me, remember?"

"Of course I remember, I just thought it was all past us. But if it makes you uncomfortable I'll cancel," I said. Guess it makes sense why we didn't have many texts.

"No, you're right. And I know you love me and not him, so I'm not worried about it," Schlatt sighed. I was worried. I didn't love Schlatt.

"I won't do it then. I really just want to take a nap now, I have a terrible headache."

"Go ahead," he insisted, "I'll wake you up when we get home."

And he did.

We were back in the unfamiliar apartment and it was starting to get dark.

"You gonna post quick before you go to bed, or should I do it for you?" Schlatt asked.

"I'll do it," I said. I walked into the office and once again my hands started doing their own thing. I had a file open with the video to post, but then my hands stopped moving and I had no idea what to do.

How hard could it be?

I clicked around, trying to figure out what to do, but the video vanished from my screen. Oh, no.

I panicked and tried to open it up again, but instead I pulled up the video I had made the previous day and it quickly vanished too.

"Schlatt!" I yelled across the apartment. He jogged in, asking what was going on.

I explained to him what happened.

"Mik. You deleted your video," he said plainly.

"Well get it back!" I urged. I stood up from the chair so he could sit down and figure it out. After 10 minutes he had given up.

"It's gone, Mik," he sighed. "You can just edit the one you filmed today and post a day late." He pushed back in his chair with a defeated look.

"I- deleted that one too..." I stuttered. He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Well then call Smitty and tell him you're filming with him tomorrow."

The Switch - jschlattOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora