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Later that night, after both our videos had been published, we sat down to watch a movie.

Schlatt let me pick, and I spent 20 minutes scrolling through Netflix. He was rushing me, in a playful sort of way, and I finally felt happy.

I found a movie to watch and we did quietly, still exhausted from everything that had happened the past few days. Before I knew it, Schlatt was asleep with his head on my lap. I gave his hair a little toss and soon I was asleep too.

We woke up the next morning in the same position. Schlatt immediately got up and started making breakfast, but I needed a few more minutes to lay down. By time I was ready to help with breakfast, Schlatt had already brought it to me.

"So you're the housewife now?" I joked.

"Well, you know me," he joked. "But I owe you, both for you making me lunch and freaking out about Smitty." I had almost completely forgot about Smitty.

I told him it was no problem, and also thank you for the breakfast. As we sat and ate, we scrolled through social media. Schlatt kept tweeting from his alt account, while I laughed at them. In between I played 8ball with Travis. Schlatt looked over to see what I was doing.

"Travis can't get enough of that game," he said. "Speaking of him, I have to go to Cali soon to film with the boys, you want to come?"

"Why not?" I said. "It would be nice to see my friends." And the boys of Lunch Club had truly become friends in the past couple of days. Charlie and I bonded over video games, Ted talked to me a lot about who knows what, and I had many interactions with all of them on Twitter.

"Sounds great, I'll figure out when we're going soon," Schlatt said standing up. He grabbed our plates and brought them to the kitchen to clean up. He came back a few minutes later.

"I'm going to run to the store, wanna come?" He asked.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stream." He nodded, gave me a kiss on the head, grabbed his keys, and then he was gone.

I went in the office, looking through my computer to see what game to stream. Jackbox? I texted Lunch Club and see if they wanted to join. Ted and Charlie agreed right away, but Cooper, Travis and Noah said they were busy.

I called Ted and Charlie on discord, and a few minutes later Pokay joined. Ted also invited Josh and Altrive who quickly joined.

I decided that group was big enough and started streaming. We started with Tee KO after Josh begged me not to chose it. Ted swept the game with his drawings and captions. I looked at chat a little, and the boys were reading chat too.

"Oh, Smitty wants to join," Ted said, reading from chat. Oh shit.

Before I could even say anything, Ted had invited Smitty to the call and he was in the game.

"Hey guys," Smitty said casually. Everyone said hi back except me. I really didn't want to fall for him. I started the next game before anyone could point out my awkward silence.

This time we played fibbage, and everyone's answers had me laughing. Once again, Smitty's laugh was especially contagious, and I tried to catch myself incase Schlatt was watching. Just as Smitty made me practically cry from laughter again, the door to the office opened and Schlatt came in. He pulled a chair next to me and chat went crazy.

"Whatcha playing?" He asked me, but to his surprise, Charlie answered.

"Jackbox," Charlie said. It sounded like his mouth was full.

"Oh, so we got the boys here?" Schlatt asked.

"We got the boys," Smitty said.

I could tell Schlatt was surprised to hear his voice, but he masked it well, turning to me with a small smile. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Ted invited him

His phone dinged and he read my message with a nod. He joined the JackBox game and we played for another 2 hours.

I could tell Schlatt was uncomfortable. I stopped laughing at Smitty's answers, and I also felt uncomfortable. I hope no one else noticed, but there was a lot of tension in our office.

Finally, we wrapped up the stream. Smitty left the VC right away, but the rest of the boys stuck around to talk.

"So you invited him, Ted?" Schlatt asked. Oh no.

"Smitty? Yeah he was in chat so I added him to the call," Ted explained.

"Oh, so Smitty was in your chat," Schlatt said turning to me.

"Hey, Schlatt, let's calm down," Charlie stepped in. He could clearly tell something was wrong. Ted seemed oblivious though, and kept talking about Smitty.

"Yeah, I just really don't like that guy," Schlatt interrupted somewhat angrily. The call went silent. I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet too. Altrive broke the silence by playing something on his sound board, and it seemed to break the tension between everyone- except me and Schlatt.

"Well, me and my girlfriend are gonna go now," Schlatt said. He gave me a look, like if he was asking if that was okay.

"Yeah, we got some stuff to do," I agreed. Everyone said goodbye and I left the call. Schlatt stood up and I did too. He was quiet.

I leaned over to him, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a hug. He quickly reciprocated.

"I'm sorry," he said. "He just makes me jealous, but I know I shouldn't be. You shouldn't worry about it, it's my own mental hurdle I have to get over." I nodded into his chest.

"I love you, Miki," he said.

"I love you, too," I lied.

The Switch - jschlattWhere stories live. Discover now