Chapter Two

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Today seems to be no different from yesterday. It seems the Drama Club isn't the only place that has divided carnivores and herbivores. I should have seen it coming to be completely honest. The whole anxious separation thing. I continue to walk through the halls, keeping my head facing forward and back straight. I feel a slight fear crawling over my shoulders at the very back of my mind, but I try my best to push that feeling down. Now was not the time to feel that type of thing. Someone needs to show they aren't scared so others follow. If it has to be me then so be it. I tighten my grip on the stems of the flowers I'm carrying as I turn a corner.

Tem's memorial stares back at me as I pause in my walk. I let out a shaky breath before continuing forward. I kneel down, placing the flowers in front of Tem's photo. "Hey Tem." I begin quietly. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to finally do it." I give a sad smile to the photo. "I know that you told me I should and I told you it would never happen, but now I think I'm finally gonna do it." I clutch my skirt tightly before laughing pitifully. "I know you said that I have nothing to be scared of, but I'm terrified. You all on the acting team are so talented and I am nowhere near that. We don't even do musicals anyways. I think I'm going to audition at a local theatre. Someone needs to keep them all in line in that club when Louis isn't around." I stand, staring at the photo of Tem for a little. "I promise, I'll make sure you see me on stage okay?" I say before turning and walking back down the hallway, away from where my classmate was murdered by a carnivore.

Class seemed to drag on as I sat in the lecture hall, doodling on my paper instead of taking the notes like I'm supposed to be doing right about now. We were learning something about history. I think a missing civilization? I don't know. I was too busy drawing Louis with devil horns instead of his usual antlers. I snort to myself at my stupid drawing before glancing up at the slideshow. The teacher drags on and on about history as I continue to doodle. I feel a sharp kick to my leg and wince, looking up at the person sitting next to me. Louis glares me down and gestures to my paper. I smile sheepishly at him before covering it with my binder. The bell rings and the others begin to stand. I try to be hasty with my exit and turn to leave but it's useless as Louis grabs my arm. "[name]." He states firmly and I wince. Shit. I turn around, a smile on my face.

"What's up?" I act like he didn't see the drawings I did.

"You are really immature and it's clear you aren't taking your studies seriously. It seems as if I have to watch over everything you do. At this rate, I should just remove you from the club right now." I freeze.

"You can't be serious!" I blurt out to the taller deer as he stares me down.

"When have I ever not been?" he counters back. "It seems I need to hold your hand and help you study. It would be tedious to find a new stage manager at this point. Meet me at my dorm after rehearsal." My lips turn into a sheepish smile.

"Where are your dorms?" I ask him and Louis rolls his eyes.

"Just walk with me when we finish." he finally decides before walking away and leaving me alone in the classroom. I huff before walking out a little ways behind him.

As I walk through the hallway I hear someone running to catch up to me. My ear flicks as I turn to see Jack. "[name]! Is it true?" I blink, pausing in my walk in the hall.

"Is what true?" I ask genuinely confused, adjusting the grip on my backpack.

"You and Louis!" Jack asks, tail wagging wildly. I pause, processing... still processing... yea, okay. I burst into laughter.

"Me? With him? I- what?" I shake my head. "No!" Jack pauses.

"There are people saying that you two stayed behind last class." I deadpan.

"That literally happened two minutes ago, why does word travel so fast?" Jack rubs the back of his head sheepishly as the two of us begin to walk to the cafeteria.

"I think it's because you two are the only red deer in the third year." I give Jack the side-eye.

"And what does that mean?" I ask sharply.

"I mean, everyone is just kinda waiting for you two to get together. It doesn't help when you two run the Drama Club together as well." I snort.

"Louis runs it, not me. He was just setting up a study session for me." Jack frowns.

"[name] you know I can help you study." I sigh, looking ahead of me instead of up at Jack.

"I didn't come up with the idea, he did. I don't really have a choice anyway. Wait, you're also a year below me." I realize as we reach the cafeteria. Jack laughs, patting me on the head.

"That doesn't really matter, I get it though. Have fun!" He waves before walking off. I laugh as I wave back, watching him walk off.

𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 {Louis x F!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now