Chapter Nineteen

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     "So you aren't going to do anything about it?" I yell at Louis. We were in an intense argument after he told me what the fight is about. "This is information you have and you aren't going to do anything?" I was furious, no, raged. How can he just stand here and not do anything? 

     "There's nothing for me to do (Y/N)!" He raises his voice, shouting back. We were in his dorm room. I grip the fur on my head, trying to understand his words. 

     "What do you mean? There are plenty of things! We can go to the police! That sounds like a pretty good idea to me!" Louis scoffs.

     "And what are they going to do? They couldn't get the Shinigami before this, what changes that now?" I roll my eyes, turning away from the taller deer. 

     "You're unbelieveable! So that's it? You're just going to let her die then?" Louis grabs my arm and I pull myself out of his grip. "Don't touch me." I seethe out. He sighs, closing his eyes. 

     "It's a sacrafice I have to make." He says quietly. I whip back around, anger swirling in my (e/c) eyes. 

     "Sacrifice? What sacrifice? She loves you Louis! She cares for you!" I jab him in the chest. You may not love her, but you are the only thing that girl has outside of Legosi!" Louis grabs my wrist tightly, making sure I can't wiggle out this time. 

     "It is either her or you! If word gets out it puts you in danger and I can't lose you!" I falter, eyes widening. Me? He.... me. 

     "I- what?" I say quietly, no longer trying to fight out of his grip. He relaxes it a little bit, instead chosing to grasp my hand gently instead. 

     "It's you." He whispers quietly. Then, he did something I never though he was going to do. He kissed me. It was soft, hesitant. As if he wasn't sure this was the right choice. I pause for a moment before kissing back. A moment after I do, he pulls away, looking down at me, arms now wrapped around my waist. 

     "Is it bad that I enjoyed that?" I whisper quietly. Louis chuckles slightly, shaking his head.

     "No- it isn't." He lets out a breathe, walking over to the couch and sitting on it, placing his head in his hands. I continue to stand there. What does this mean for us? There are animals out there who kiss without dating... maybe it was a one time thing? Then, my thoughts drift to Haru. She's still missing... and I need to find a way to save her, or at least, figure out a way to help save her. There isn't much I can do by myself agaisnt a black market gang. I make my way over to the other side of the couch, looking out the window. I know I didn't talk to her often, but I can't handle another classmate dying. I bring my hands up to my eyes, rubbing them. I'm attempting to keep away the tears that are building up from falling. I sigh as I press my palms into my eyes. Don't cry, you've done enough of that already. My shoulders tense as I feel movement from the other side of the couch. "I'll do something about it." Louis says. I look over to him to see he is already looking at me. I smile, covering my mouth as I let out a choked sob. This is of relief though. 

     Louis slides over, closing the distance between us. I let out a pitiful laugh due to my joy as he wraps me tightly into a hug. "I'll figure something out." He states firmly into my ear, burying his face into my neck. I wrap my arms around him, clinging to his shirt. This is him. This is the real Louis. Someone who cares. I smile at my thoughts, hugging Louis just a little bit tighter. Louis responds by raising his head and placing a kiss onto my forehead. We pull back, looking at one another. 

     "Louis..." I begin, "What are we?" I ask quietly. Louis sighs, pulling back as well. He's quiet for a moment. 

     "I would like us to be more than friends, however, the decision is up to you." I glance away as I think. Do I want this? I never even realized I liked Louis before. Well, more than a friend. We've known eachother for years now and have only gotten close this year despite running the drama club together. I wrap my arms around my stomach. I really don't know. Do I want this? "You don't need to say anything now." Louis says, eyes studying my body language as I look back to him. I nod slowly. "We should get some rest, would you like to sleep on the couch or in my bed with me again?" He asks as he stands up, brushing off his pants and then turning to me. 

     "I'll sleep on the couch." I state. Louis looks sad for just a moment, I barely catch it. 

     "Sure, I'll go ahead and grab you blankets and a pillow." He walks to the other room and I stand, grabbing the clothes he's letting me borrow that he already had pulled out. I slip into the bathroom, changing quickly. When I re-enter the living room Louis is nowhere to be seen, but the couch has blankets and a pillow. I lay down, throwing the blankets over myself and curling up into a ball under them. I do stick my one foot out though. Everyone knows that's how you get the perfect temperature to sleep with.

     I can't fall asleep though. I keep thinking about Louis and I. Who does Louis actually care for? Me or Haru? I sigh, flipping over and burying myself deeper into the blanket. he's talked to Haru longer, and the girl obviously loves him. I turn again. Then again, Louis and I have been talking a lot this school year, practically hanging out everyday. When he's not with me later in the day he's with her though. I sit up with a frown. Throwing the blanket off of myself and quietly open the front door, leaving Loui's dorm. I quickly make my way up to the roof. When I get there I flop down, laying on my back and staring up at the stars. "I feel like there where more in the sky when I was a kid." I mumble to myself, "Maybe the pollution has gotten that much worse." I frown. I'm so confused.

𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 {Louis x F!Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz