Home Sweet Home

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<Jordan's P.O.V>

Home. My lovely home with my own bed and non-moving floors. The joy of waking up ti my mother and farther. Its good to be at the house.

Thy guys have gone home and so has my band. Mom and dad are out and I heard Ryan is here so I called him.

The onoy thing that has chanhed about me is my hair. Its a blue with green tips (type in on instagram lefabulouskilljoy for hers!)

Yes, I habe grown out of the gothiness and more into pastels and stuff. I still cut and I habe bipolar, anxiety, deppression and a nightmare disorder.


"Oh My God, girlfriend!" Ryan screams and runs through the door and hugs me.

"Rhi-Rhi! I haven't seen you in forever! Wait, what happened to your hair?" I ask pointing to his now brown hair and side-swept fringe.

"My hair, what happened to your hair, Jo-Jo?"

"I changed. Anyway, sit down. We NEED to catch up!"

<The Next Day>

"Bye Ryan!"

"Bye Jo-J"

I close the door and ran up the stairs. I put on back tights, jean short-shorts and a cream and blacks stripped jumper. I put on simple winged eyeliner, lipgloss and put my hair into a middle parting. A placed a flower crown over my head and shoved on my aztec vans.

I jumped in my car, yes I did get a license! And I set off to Andy's house.

<Skipped Car Drive>

I knocked on the door and swung myself at Juliet who had opened the door.

"Hi my little sister!" she sings and I giggle.

"Hey, I thought I could stay the night. Mom and dad are at a work comference"

"Of course you can! 4 days till Christmas!"

"I know! Hi Andy" I say, waving to a nearly naked Andy.

He screams and run upstairs. I laugh and walk behind Juliet to the living room. I sit down and take off my vans.

"Hi Jordan, sorry about that. How are you?" Andy says awkwardly, sitting next to Juliet.

"Im go- wait! Whats THAT!" I scream pointing at the rings on their fingers.

"I propsed. Were getting married in March!" Andy says and I run up tp him and hug them both, my smile growing.

"Im happy for you both, I cant wait! Andy, can I please put the Christmas tree up?" I beg and Juliet joins in and nods her head. Andy agrees quickly and he go's to get the stuff out.

I just sit silently, humming again.


"About time you finish!" Andy says, admiring the now decorated tree.

"Shush! You didnt even help and mom and dad are home tomorrow and would want to see you and you could tell them your great news!" I say and they agree.

We decide to watch The Boy In The Striped Pajamas. Me and Juliet cried and Andy sniffed a bit. I wiped my eyes and feel them get heavy.

I get up and look at the cuboard, in the bathroom and take my sleeping pills and get my self ready and into bed, quickly. I fell asleep inno time and basically had no dreams which was weired.


"You can follow behind me if you want?" I ask.

Its the next day and im going home and Andy and Juliet are visiting again. Ashley and Cassie have annouced their love for each other, Jinxx and sunny are in love. I am still single but I still deserve it. By the way, I am still doing online school but im basically going to graduate early.

I sit in my car and instantly turn on the heating because, yes, it is SNOWING! I drive and take a sip of my water and chew my gum. A short drive later and I arrive at my house, a bit later since my mom and dad are here already.

I run into the door and hug them both tightly.

"Oh Dear, how have you been this past week?" mom asks, smiling brightly.

"I have been fine. By the way, im going to change, Andy and Juliet are herw aswell. Bye!" I shout, waving and walking up the stairs.

Firstly, I do to the bathroom and take my pills. Secondly, I saunter into my bedroom and wipe off all my make-up and tied my hair up into a messy bun to keep it out my face. I put on a false leather skirt, skin coloured tights with black going to above my knees amd tops were kitten shaped. I tucked in a Jake The Dog T-shirt and put on a dark blue hoodie. I tied my converse and walke dto my vanity mirror.

I did winged eyeliner, dark purple lipstick. My hair wad put into a ponytail but with my large bangs atthe front. I put on my chocker which was a black ribbon with a moon in the middle.

After I had finished I walked downstairs to my mother crying and hugging both, Andy and Juliet.

"Have you heard, dear?" mom asks me.

"It good news son!"my dad says to Andy.

" I have been told, are we goign somewhere?" I ask, putting on my coat, basically coping everyone eles.

"We're simply going to an italian restaurant." she answered.

My mind thought the negative thoughts but the pain was horrible. I would have to eat, Andy would force me to. I felt sick to my stomach but I still followed mom out the the door and to the car.

We arrive at the place and sit in a circle booth just chatting and drinking our drinks.

"Hello, hope you enjoying your drinks! May I ask, what would you like to eat?" The waitress asks, taking our orders, one by one.

I ordered a small green salad and a fruit packet thing. The lettuce refreshed my dry mouth and apple slices were nice to taste, but I still felt disgusting!


I woke up the next day to a light voice talking downstairs. I reconised it and quickly rushed downstairs. I hugged Cassie but relised that she was talking to Jake. Jake her boyfriend. Yes, after the sitting on lap incident, Jake fell for my beautiful sister.

"Hey Cassie, Jake!" I say and Cassie turns around and gasps.

"I love your hair, you look so grown up!" Cassie basically screams.

"Thanks you! I missed you two so much!" I replie and recieve a hug from Jake and a pat on the shoulder from Cassie.

BTW Ella doesnt exist! im not being mean, I love Ella Cole but I wanted Cassie and Jake to be together. They time lasp is about 3 months after the tour.

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