28 ~ Uglies

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"Good morning, Beautiful."

Chloe smiles, grabbing her books from her locker. "Morning, Gigantor."

"I bring breakfast." I hold out the chocolate muffin I bought her. Greedily, she reaches for it and I tsk. "You have to pay the price first."

"No thanks." She deadpans and I almost drop the muffin.

Pressing her against the locker, I tilt her chin up. "That's not very nice, Chlo-bear."

"I'm not very nice." She smirks and I pout my lips out. Rolling her eyes, she gives me a peck. "But for you I'll try."

"That's what I like to hear." I wink, kissing her head. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." She admits.

Damn, it makes me proud to know she's willing to actually say it.

"Good morning." Wes greets us.

"It's not a good one." Graham grunts. "We have exams all week."

"Shit." I bang my head against the locker. "I forgot."

"How the hell did you forget?" Wes asks as Zayne and Maggie join us. "Golden boy forgot about exams."

They all look at me in shock. Coughing, I shrug. "I was a little distracted."

Chloe steps on my foot.

"Forget about exams." Zayne says. "How was your date Friday night?"

"You set me up with a fucking stalker." I inform Wes. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"If it went badly, why didn't you hang out with us this weekend?" Wes counters.

"I-I was busy."

"Chloe, where were you?" Maggie wonders, barely paying attention to us as she studies flashcards.

"I had things to do." She says, shuffling from foot to foot.

"Was Rhodes the thing you were doing?" Wes grins and she chokes on her muffin.

"You know, Chlo, that sweatshirt looks awfully big." Zayne points out.

Smirking, I tug on the string of the hoodie she took home with her yesterday. It is rather large.

"Are you two dating?" Graham asks.

"I told you." Maggie quips. "I don't understand why no one listens to me."

"Hold up." Wes says. "They haven't confirmed it yet."

Deciding to play their game, I plant one right on Chloe's lips. She drops her muffin and I manage to catch it, smirking as she pulls back. Finding the three guys staring in shock while Maggie flips another card over, I shrug. "How's that for confirmation?"

"It took two shitty ass dates for this to happen." Wes shakes his head. "You two are too stubborn for your own good."

"I know." I grin, handing her her breakfast back. "It makes her cute."

"Adorable." Maggie sighs. "Now can we focus on exams?"

"Gladly." Chloe changes the subject, unable to look anyone in the eyes.

I'm scared she's upset but she grabs my hand. Giving it a solid squeeze, she flashes me a quick smile.


Dragging my sorry ass through the hallway Friday morning, I lean against my usual locker. "I bring doughnuts. Please tell me you have a kiss and Cuban coffee."

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