39 ~ Horror

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Clemson is beautiful.

I'm absolutely blown away by how much I love the campus. The program is just as beautiful if I'm being completely honest. Everything feels perfect and I'm not enjoying any of it.

Instead, I'm fixating on the fact my non-girlfriend-girlfriend won't answer any of my calls or text messages. It's been two days since our fight and I texted her an apology. Things got heated. We both got upset.

I didn't expect her to ice me out for this long.

That, on top of knowing Ashton was the one to save Saffron's day after her bullies ruined her night has thoroughly pissed me off. I didn't even know she was being bullied and Ashton gets to save the day like the magical prince he is.

Fucking asshole.

Scarlett begs me to drive faster on our way home, and even though I want to get home just as much as she does, I drive a little slower. After what feels like an eternity, I park in the driveway and she runs inside. Following my sister in, I collapse on the couch.

Pulling my phone out, I give Chloe a call and get her voicemail. "Hey, it's me." I clear my throat. "I'm home. I miss you a lot. Can... can I please see you?"

I follow up with a text message that says the same thing. Then I call her again, ignoring the commotion coming from the front yard.

"Oh my God!" Saffron screams, preventing me from calling Chloe a third time and I run to the entryway.

What could possibly be– Oh my God is right I decide, taking in the German Shepherd licking my little sister's face. Ashton and the twins come strolling in and as my sister tries to understand where the dog came from, I shake my head in disbelief. There's no way Ashton's this stupid.

"I bought him." Ashton announces proudly.

Jesus Christ, he's that stupid. Well, it was nice knowing him because he's a deadman now.

Actual steam is spewing from my sister's ears as she slowly loses her shit with her boyfriend. They go back and forth and I crouch down to the dog.

"Hi, there." I whisper, scratching behind his ear. A slobbery kiss is smeared across my face and I laugh. "Oh, you're a good boy."

"Fluffy deserves a good home." Ashton argues.

"Fluffy?" My sister asks my exact thought. What kind of name is that? "Fluffy deserves a good home somewhere else."

I think the fuck not. We've always wanted a dog.

The happy couple continues to bicker and we watch in mild horror. I haven't felt this way... since before my parents died. Watching parents fight always feels weird.

"I'm not keeping the dog." Scarlett states.

"We have to." Silver insists.

"He was going to be euthanized." Sterling says. "We can't let that happen."

"I think he's cute." I offer, giving Fluffy another through scratching.

"I love him." Saffron's eyes well up with tears. "Let us keep him."

The twins and I share a look of victory as Scarlett's anger dissolves. "We can keep him for a while and see what happens."

Scooping Saffron into a hug, I kiss her head. No one can resist the tears.


Pacing a hole in my bedroom floor, I check the time. I've called Chloe three more times and she hasn't answered. Now I'm beginning to get worried. Dialing the last person on the planet I want to talk to, I prepare for an instant headache.

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