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On the bus ride back, (Y/n) sat with Bakugo again. She was rubbing her head, feeling the bandages. A couple students had asked her what happened and all she said was that she bumped her head during the fight, which wasn't a lie. She did bump her head... after getting her forcefield punched by a Nomu and thrown by All Might while protecting Bakugo.

After they arrived back at the school, they were walking back to their class to grab their backpacks and cases to take off their suits. (Y/n) grabbed Bakugo's arm, holding him back while the rest of the class entered the classroom.

"What? Are you dizzy again?" he snapped, turning to her and away from the door.

"No, I just..." (Y/n) started, not knowing what to say immediately afterward.


"I just wanted to say thank you," (Y/n) finally blurted out.

"Huh?" He grew confused by her sudden thanks. "For what? You protected me most of the time."

"For helping me after those times I did try and protect you," (Y/n) explained. "I haven't seen that side in a really long time."

She smiled, thinking back to the time the bully shoved her down the slide and Bakugo and Midoriya went to help her up when they were only four. Then she blushed a little, and grabbed his shoulder, kissing his cheek and walking into the classroom.

(Y/n) tried to hide her blushing face as she grabbed her case to walk to the locker room, Bakugo just stood there with his mouth open in shock. He touched his cheek where she had pecked it and blushed slightly. He went in and grabbed his case, going to the locker room to change.

"I'm sorry, you did what?!" Uraraka exclaimed in the locker room after (Y/n) told her quietly what she did before grabbing her case

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"I'm sorry, you did what?!" Uraraka exclaimed in the locker room after (Y/n) told her quietly what she did before grabbing her case.

"Shh. Quiet! Okay yes, I pecked his cheek," (Y/n) said in a hushed voice, blushing a little at the thought of it.

"And what did he say or do?"

"I went in the classroom before I could find out."

"Aww man! He probably would've kissed you," Uraraka whined, again too loudly.

"Who probably would've kissed you, (L/n)?" Jiro asked, hearing Uraraka's exclamation.

"Oh... um..." (Y/n) started, not knowing how to respond.

"Maybe it was one of the boys she hangs out with," Hagakure suggested. "Was Midoriya or Iida about to kiss you, (L/n)?"

"What! No, they're just my friends!" she denied.

"Well, think about it," Yaoyorozu started. "What other boy does she seem to hang out with and be close to a lot? Who could she possibly have those feelings for? Think about who she wrangles or protects."

"Oh my god," Jiro whispered.

"What?" Hagakure asked. "Do you know?"

"Oh my..." Yaoyorozu exclaimed quietly.

"Who?!" Hagakure asked once again.

"It's gotta be Kirishima!" Jiro exclaimed.

This caused (Y/n) to snort, leaving the girls clueless why she was laughing. "Oh my god, you guys are close but wrong still."

"Guys," Asui interjected. "It's clearly Bakugo."

"Agh! Tsu!" (Y/n) exclaimed, waving her arms to get her to stop.

"Wait, what?! Bakugo?" Hagakure exclaimed.

"That makes sense," Jiro said, pulling on her jacket. "She wrangles him the most and is seen hanging out with him a lot. Heck, he helped her when she got hurt at the USJ today."

"... You got me," (Y/n) sighed, defeated. "I pecked him on the cheek and Ochaco thinks he would've kissed me if I had stayed instead of immediately going into the classroom."

"Well clearly he has a soft spot for you," Yaoyorozu pointed out. "How long have you known each other?"

"Most of our lives," (Y/n) explained. "We grew apart once he got his quirk but still talked from time to time. After the sludge incident maybe around ten months ago, we started to get close again."

"So now you think you love him?" Hagakure inquired.

"What?! I wouldn't say 'love', just maybe feelings for him right now."

"She loves him," Jiro confirmed. "I don't know how you can 'maybe feelings' that screaming mess, but whatever happens. Just know that we're ready to end him if he hurts you."

"We've only known you for a few days, but we don't want anything bad to happen to you or anyone in this group," Yaoyorozu added.

"Thanks, you guys," (Y/n) said, feeling really cared about at that moment.

As the normal four, (Y/n), Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka, were walking back from the school, Iida turned to (Y/n), "(L/n), what did you do to Bakugo?"

"Hm, what do you mean?" she asked, quirking her eyebrow.

"In the locker room, he was dead silent and blushing," Iida explained. "When Kirishima asked what was wrong, he just said 'feelings'."

"Wait what?!" Uraraka almost screamed. "(L/n), do you know what this means?!"

"No..." (Y/n) responded as she shook her head slightly.

"Wait are you and Kacchan dating, (Y/n)?" Midoriya asked, growing very confused by the ensuing conversation.

"No, but they should!" Uraraka exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. "She's basically the only one that keeps him calm and he has a soft spot for her, she also will do so much to help and protect him. They're perfect!"

"Woah, Uraraka," (Y/n) said, signaling her to calm down. "I don't think the word 'perfect' fits."

"You should at least try and talk to him tomorrow," Iida said. "He seems to feel something for you, especially if you made that maniac silent."

"Fine. I will."


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