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"Fat Gum, there's something I need to do while we wait for someone to come and get Red," (Y/n) stated while turning to her mentor.

"What is it?" he questioned, watching as she stood up and went back to sit on the empty bed.

She sat in a meditative position and closed her eyes. "There's someone I need to talk to so I can maybe get us out of here faster cause Red needs help."

"Who? Sky, what are you--"

"Please trust me." She cut him off, resting her hands on her knees.

Fat Gum sighed and nodded. "Do whatever you need to."

She took a breath, relaxing her muscles and letting all the pain go. She activated her quirk just slightly and began to think about all the energy flowing through her body.

The world started to fade into darkness, she felt like she was falling. She proceeded to land in the dark room she had done a few times previously.

She stood up and ran to the door, swinging it open and revealing Riki there looking out a window. "I need your help."

"Back so soon?" He turned to her, looking away from the window. "I thought I told you to keep fighting."

"This is me fighting." (Y/n) stood her ground, clenching her fists and furrowing her eyebrows. "The thought of Katsuki kept me awake enough to help a bit, but I need you to help me get my friend out of here."

"Ah, so you're asking for my help rather than my advice."

"Yes, are you willing to do that?"

Riki sighed and walked over to her, taking off his light green glove. "Take my hand. There's something I must show you."

She took it, immediately feeling like she was getting pushed and pulled around. She closed her eyes, fearing the worst as Riki traveled with her.

They stopped suddenly, causing (Y/n) to lose her balance and fall over, letting go of Riki in the process. She looked at the ground, recognizing the hard wood. "What the... This is..."

"Katsuki Bakugo's room," Riki finished for her. "I'm not the one that can help you, (Y/n). This is the person who can help you. It is time for you to go beyond your quirk's capabilities and make them your own. What you have been doing is things that past Energy quirk users have been doing, but you can make it all your own."

"How do I do that?" she asked, standing up.

"Your quirk is both similar and different to mine and the others, do you understand?"

She thought for a moment, giving him some hope. "Yeah... no. Not at all."

Riki facepalmed. "Take a look at your boy, here. He's been carving his own path, making all kinds of uses for his quirk and making it his own."

"Okay, yeah? But his quirk is so different from mine. What does that have to--"

"What I'm saying is, stop looked at your quirk in one way. It's time for you to look into yourself, Skylight." Riki then pulled his glove back on.

(Y/n)took this moment to go over to Bakugo, who was sitting on his bed while looking at his phone. She noticed that he looked sad, something she often didn't get to experience around him.

"Why can't you talk to me, (Y/n)? Is it because of me that you're staying quiet?" He flipped through his pictures, looking through some that the couple took on one of their break days. "Is this the end of us?"

She reached out to him, attempting to grab his arm but watching as her hand passed right through his. "Katsuki, no--"

"(Y/n)," Riki put his hand on her shoulder as she tried to reach out to him, "he cannot hear or feel you. Besides, there is something I must tell you before our session ends."

skylight | k. bakugo ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora