Chapter 1

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(Katie's POV)

"Bye Katie. Have fun at Hogwarts." My mum waved goodbye. So did my dad. To tell the truth, I was nervous. Seeing new faces isn't my thing. I kept my mind focus on looking for an empty car. I finally did so and went in, closing the door behind me.

For most of the train ride, all I did was look out the window. My door slid open and I turned around. "Anything from the trolly, dear?" The woman asked. "No thanks. I'm fine." I replied back. I didn't have much of an appetite. She closed the door and continued to go car to car. I sighed.

What seemed like months, we got to Hogwarts. Everyone was wearing their robes. I got off the train. I don't belong here. I told myself. I followed the other first years. All I wanted to do was snuggle with my cat at home. It took a little while to get to the school. I just stayed behind the group the whole time. But once I do get into a house, some things will change.

An elderly women was waiting for us at the top for the stairs. "Good evening. My name is Professor McGonagall, Head Mistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She introduced herself. "There are four houses; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. They will be like your family. Any accomplishments will earn you points. Any rule breaking you will loose points. At the end of the year, who's house has the most points will win the house cup."

I had to think about this. My mother was a Hufflepuff and my father was a Ravenclaw. Somewhere in my family tree, there was a Slytherin but that was a long time ago.

After a few minuets, Professor McGonagall lead into a huge room. The Great Hall. I thought. There were so many people that I felt myself get nervous. I hated being in a room with lots of people in it.

"When i call your name, come up." McGonagall started to call names alphabetical by last names.

"Jorgensen, Daniel."  A light brown hair boy took seat at the stool. The hat was placed upon.  "...RAVENCLAW!" The Sorting hat made the decision. The hat was taken off and he walked to the Ravenclaw table.

"Nephew, Jasper." A dark hair boy went up. He looked confident. "...SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled. Once the hat was taken off, Jasper went to the Slytherin table.

"Shrew, Katie." I jumped a little when my name was called. I walked to the stool and the hat was place upon me. "Not a bad mind. Very smart, like your father." The Sorting Hat said. "You say you have your mother charms." He continued. "Better put you in...RAVENCLAW!" The hat was taken off and I went to the Ravenclaw table.

McGonagall continued reading the names. "Young, Adam." A brown hair boy walked up. There was a few whispers around me. "He's so cute! I hope he goes into our house." A Hufflepuff girl whispered. "...Better be, GRYFFINDOR!" The Sortting Hat roared. He stumbled a bit down to the Gryffindor table.

After dinner, the prefects lead us to the dorm. It was unbelievable. Just like my father said. I have to remember to owl them. I went up to the stairs to find my stuff by a bed.

"They are so lucky! They have, like, the cutest boy in the school." one of the girls said. Who? I thought. "Of course, then you have Potter. Another girl said. "Which one?" a third girl asked. "James Sirius of course." the second said. "Competition is going to be tough. Every girl will be going after both." The first girl said. "Not every girl." A mumbled to myself. "Excuse me? Were you just eves dropping?" I jumped a little, holding a book I picked out from my truck to my chest. I stared at them. "Cass, she's not worth our time." the third girl said. "Fine, we'll let off easy, for now. Name's Cassie." The first girl said. I said nothing. I have a feeling this year will be a long one.

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