9 - Pink With Praise

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You rush around your apartment, grabbing everything in sight that might keep Jungkook entertained for the day. Your regular work and lunch bags are all packed and waiting in the foyer by the front door. However, you feel terrible for leaving the bunny hybrid by himself for the day so you're grabbing things left and right - hoping he might take an interest in some of them.

When you're finally satisfied with a bag full of things to keep Jungkook entertained, you grab all of your bags before heading out towards the clinic. You had gotten up a little earlier today so that you can also arrive at the clinic earlier than usual, knowing Seokjin likes to drive out early to avoid morning traffic.

Just as you set your things down in your office, you faintly hear the front door open.

"Y/N?" Seokjin calls out and you quickly make your way to the front of the clinic. Seokjin and Namjoon are standing by the doorway with Jungkook subtly hiding behind them.

"Good morning," you smile while reaching up to scratch behind one of Namjoon's ears.

"Thanks for coming in early," Seokjin smiles at you and you wave your hand as a quick dismissal - letting him know that it was no big deal.

"Is Yoongi napping in the car?" you muse with a giggle, taking notice of a certain cat hybrid's absence.

"As always," the wolf hybrid snorts.

"Good morning, Jungkook," you greet the bunny hybrid softly, leaning to your side to peer around Seokjin's tall frame.

"G-good morning," the bunny hybrid stutters while keeping his gaze trained on his shoes.

"You all set for the day?" Seokjin asks and you nod confidently.

"I also brought some things from home for Jungkook. I feel bad that he'll be alone for the majority of the day so hopefully, these things can keep him somewhat occupied," you explain with a small smile, looking up to meet your best friend's gaze. Seokjin smiles back at you and nods a little, sending you some reassurance that calms the nerves bubbling in the pit of your stomach.

You notice Jungkook's bunny ears perk on the top of his head at the mention of his name along with some items that you brought specifically for him. 

"You better get going if you want to avoid traffic," you say as you glance at the clock on the wall.

"Alright. Call me if you need anything," Seokjin reminds you, giving you a quick hug. "Jungkook, we'll be back at the end of the day to pick you up, alright? Please let Y/N know if something's wrong or if you need anything. She'll help you or she will call me. Oh, and try talking to her during the day - especially during lunch. This girl loves talking our ears off and she might go crazy if she doesn't have anyone to talk to. She won't hurt you, okay? She's nice and you know it. She even brought you some things to keep you entertained!"

"Okay," Jungkook whispers, still looking down at his shoes.

"Okay, let's get going, Joon," Seokjin nods, motioning to the door. With one last pet to Jungkook's head, the oldest male turns around and walks out of the clinic with the wolf hybrid following behind him. You and Jungkook call out your goodbyes as the two leave, watching as Seokjin's car pulls out of the parking lot. As the vehicle disappears down the road, you turn to face the quiet bunny hybrid.

"C'mon," you motion him to follow you. "I'll show you what I brought. It's not much but it's better than staring at the wall the whole day."

Jungkook follows you wordlessly down the hallway. You motion for him to go to the break room before slipping into your office to grab your lunch bag and the other bag filled with things for him.

When you enter the break room, the bunny hybrid is still awkwardly standing by the doorway so you beckon him to take a seat in one of the chairs. You then quickly set the lunch you packed for yourself and Jungkook into the fridge before taking a seat across from him.

"I honestly don't have much at home since I spend most of my time at the clinic," you admit sheepishly. "But I brought my iPad, a couple of books, a drawing pad, and some drawing utensils," you explain while pulling each item out of the bag.

Jungkook watches with curiosity as you place each item down. You hear a faint shuffling sound and you figure his tiny cotton ball tail must be wagging against the fabric of his oversized shirt. You smile at his excitement and you gently push everything towards him.

"Feel free to play games, watch videos, or listen to music on my iPad. I'm not sure if you like to draw, but I do in my free time so feel free to sketch whatever in the drawing pad," you explain. "I disabled the password on my iPad so you should be able to open it without any problems. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Just knock before coming into the exam room if I'm in there."

"Thank you," Jungkook whispers shyly. You can tell he is hesitating to touch your things so you give him an encouraging nod.

"Would you like some coffee?" you ask, getting up to make yourself a cup of coffee.

"Yes please," he answers softly. You hum in acknowledgment and you begin preparing coffee for the both of you. "Can it be like last time?" Jungkook asks.

"Oh, you mean with the hazelnut flavor?" you turn around with a knowing smile. The bunny hybrid blushes lightly and nods shyly. "It was good, wasn't it? Yeah, I'll add my hazelnut creamer."

When you return to the table with two mugs of coffee in your hands, you see Jungkook looking through some of the sketches you drew. As you set his mug down in front of him and he snaps his gaze up from your drawing pad. The bunny hybrid then proceeds to quickly close the pad as if he was just caught red-handed.

"Are my drawings that bad?" you joke with an amused laugh. Jungkook's eyes widen and he frantically shakes his head no.

"No, they're very good," he corrects quickly with worry laced into his tone.

"Don't worry. I'm joking," you chuckle softly. "You can look through my drawings, I don't mind."

Jungkook nods slowly and reopens your drawing pad. He flips to the drawing he was last viewing and continues examining your artwork. When he flips to the next page, he subconsciously reaches out for the mug of coffee you set down in front of him.

"Careful, it's still a bit hot," you warn. In turn, Jungkook blows lightly on the beverage before taking a sip. His nose scrunches up in content as he takes another sip and you smile at the adorable sight.

When you look back at the table, you notice your iPad hasn't been moved from when you first slid it over to the bunny hybrid. Then a sudden thought of realization hit you.

"Jungkook, do you know how to use the iPad?" you ask and Jungkook looks at you for a second before hesitantly shaking his head no.

"My owner barely let me watch TV," he mumbles softly while setting his coffee down on the table. "Most times I'd only catch glimpses of the TV while she was watching." 

You frown at his statement but you quickly push the negative thoughts aside.

"Here, I still have a few minutes before I need to open the clinic. Let me teach you," you offer, sitting further up in your chair to lean closer to the hybrid - but still mindful of keeping enough space in between the two of you so he doesn't feel uncomfortable.

You quickly run through the basics of using the iPad and some of the apps Jungkook might like. The bunny hybrid catches on pretty quickly and you constantly praise him for being such a quick learner. After 10 minutes, he seems to have gotten the hang of using your device and his cheeks are tinted a soft shade of pink from all of the praise. 

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