36 - Before You Know It

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This morning, when you rise, the streets outside are still dark. The city outside is still asleep, and even the early birds have yet to begin chirping their morning songs. Yet, you find yourself tiredly turning in Jungkook's iron-grip until you're facing the sleeping hybrid.

A faint smile makes its way onto your lips when you examine how comfortable the bunny hybrid has gotten in your bed. The first couple of times Jungkook shared your bed with you, you could tell he was very conscious about where he slept and how he placed his body. He practically slept like a log - only allowing his arms to stray from his body to hug you close. However, as time continued on, the hybrid now sleeps with his legs sprawled open and his arms still tightly clutching onto you.

As you continue to paint a mental picture of Jungkook's sleeping features, your mind wanders back to the dinner party that was hosted this past weekend. Everyone had gathered at your apartment to surprise the bunny hybrid for his birthday.

The bunny hybrid had just gotten out of the shower when he wandered into the living room curiously - ears picking up on the slightest hum of chatter and nose catching onto the faint scents of his friends. When Jungkook made his appearance, he was pleasantly surprised to see everyone gathered around the coffee table and couch with delicious food awaiting him.

"Happy birthday, Jungkook!" Everyone had cheered causing Jungkook's ears to stand tall in surprise and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Wow, I completely forgot that it was my birthday today," the bunny hybrid had chuckled as he excitedly made his way over to give everyone a hug.

"You might have forgotten, but we could never forget our favorite bunny hybrid's birthday," Taehyung smiled happily.

"Tae, I'm the only bunny hybrid you know," the younger hybrid had pointed out but the dog hybrid had just smiled sheepishly at him.

Jungkook spent the entire night eating and having fun. For the few hours everyone was over, all thoughts of leaving for the next three months completely slipped his mind. He was spending his birthday with the people that love and care for him - and he wouldn't have had it any other way.

You're snapped out of your thoughts the moment your alarm goes off, making your entire body tense. You reach an arm behind to blindly pat your nightstand for the device to silence the alarm. The moment you set your phone back down, realization dawns on you, and your heart immediately lurches into your throat.

The sheets in front of you rustle as Jungkook wakes from his sleep. He lets out a couple of muffled groans before pulling your body flush against his. Tears gather in your eyes against your own will as panicked thoughts swim around in your head.

"I don't want to wake up," Jungkook whispers honestly, voice raspy with traces of sleep still lingering in it. "Maybe if I don't wake up, this day won't happen."

"Koo, time doesn't work like that." You try to joke but your voice sounds strained and you find it hard to fake a giggle.

"Y/N?" the bunny hybrid asks worriedly. His eyes immediately blink open to scan your face in concern. When his gaze catches on the tears that have been building in your eyes, his features soften and his long ears droop down to frame his face.

"I don't want this day to happen either, Koo," you whisper with a wobbly voice.

Jungkook leans in to plant a tender peck on your check before burying his face into the crook of your neck. Just like every other morning, you melt into his touch as the bunny hybrid rubs his cheeks back and forth on your soft skin to scent you. Today, however, you notice his motions are greedier - hasty almost.

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